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(06.24.01-00) R2


R2 is an enterprise business software for medium to large sized rental companies. With its superior features, R2 seamlessly integrates with all aspects of the business from customer relationship management to accounting integration. R2 goes beyond operational efficiency - it provides management the ability to drive revenues and profits, making it the only application that can claim to be "business ware". Built using future-proof technology, R2 is the only multi-site application that is designed to grow in functionality as your business needs increase, as well as scale effortlessly as your organization increases in size.

R2 goes beyond automation; helping rental and staging companies make better business decisions everyday. Imagine the ability to track and analyze every bid that was lost. Think of seeing a profitability snapshot of every order before bidding. Calculate the cost savings if your sub-rentals could be negotiated well in advance, instead of being scalped at the eleventh hour. Make buy-sell decisions based on insightful data instead of guesswork and gut.

With R2 you have the power to go beyond check-in/check-out, inventory tracking and invoices. Beyond the traditional limits of automation; into the realm of information that helps everyone in the company make better business decisions.


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