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  1. Enhancing performance and stability in R2 for SWO operations. (R2-20008)

    Re-structured the SWO implementation for better performance and stability.

    Item availability now managed through 'Save' action. See here.

  2. Now reserve items by their Product ID on Add and Prep function. (R2-20116)

    With this modification in the process flow of how Add and Prep functions work in Warehouse, users will be reserving the items through their Product IDs.

    Earlier the same process reserved the items by their Asset IDs, which created a hinderance for the Project Managers and people handling the Orders,

    since it was an extremely difficult to identify an Item by its Asset ID. As while directly scanning a Bar-Code or QR-Code (Asset ID) didn't reveal much

    about the item, and one may have to do a manual search.

    Now that, items are reserved by Product ID, you can know more about the item by reference to its Product ID or Product Description.

  3. Oracle 19c now available on Windows Server. (R2-20190)

    Latest R2 release supports Oracle DB 19c hosted on Windows OS On-premise Server.

    Oracle DB 19c provides a high-level stability, performance, scalability, reliability, and security in its latest on-premises deployment.

  4. De-activate obsolete customer records through scripts. (R2-20346)

    Based on pre-defined criteria, the script can disable all the selected customer and its associated contacts list.

    This restricts user from searching and/or adding customers to projects/orders which may no longer be active or in-service.

  5. Now, you can periodically export Item information from R2, into SFTP via file transfer. (R2-19916)

    These export scripts are designed to run seamlessly and automatically at a pre-defined schedule, and generate an output which is saved in a designated folder.

    Since the file-naming convention incorporates the date-time stamp within itself, none of the output file over-writes the previous one.

    Thus all output generated (within any given time-frame) remain intact and can be accessed at any time.

  6. Add, Delete and Update Products and Packages in R2, through feed jobs. (R2-19914 and R2-20069)

    We have provided a seamless methodology to Create and/or Edit a new Product and/or a Package in R2.

Bug Fixes

  • SR-10606  — System incorrectly locks the Order, when items are returned from the Warehouse Return Screen.

  • SR-11251  — System does not allow to fill assets through 'Read File' if they are already 'OUT' on another order.

  • SR-11598  — System does not display any warning if mandatory UDFs are not filled, and user tries to save and Order.

  • SR-12036  — System does not list certain orders when searched in Warehouse, through some specific filters.

  • SR-12827  — Line status of item is does not match between the Order and Warehouse.

  • SR-12285  — If the PO is linked to a Sale Order using 'Bill To' option, the sales cost are displayed as 'ZERO' or NIL.

  • SR-13022  — 'Return' button in the 'Return Order' Screen does not work on some items with in the order.

  • SR-13039  — System is not displaying the comments entered in the SWO, if item is marked as damaged from Warehouse Return Task screen.

  • SR-13191  — If the Order has more than one line of comments, system does not print the comments with a line break.

  • R2-20343  — Filled item is displayed in wrong color, when user opens the warehouse task for the second time.


Bug Fixes

  • SR-13550  — If the Order has a Timesheet, the planning order screen becomes unresponsive..

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