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This resource allows you to create/update an Event with all the information. You can also retrieve the Event details.


End Point: /events

You can search for any existing Event using this service. All the event details that displayed in Search Event window in R2 are retrievable. Along with that, you can also retrieve Project ID, Profit Center ID, Project Manager ID, Project Manager Name, and status (open/closed) of the event details.

You can search for any existing Department using filters as defined here.

Pagination is supported for this resource. Click here to see the details of it.

Sample response payload

    "recordid": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "projectid": "string",
    "referenceno": "string",
    "clientmanagerid": "string",
    "clientmanagername": "string",
    "salesmanagerid": "string",
    "salesmanagername": "string",
    "projectmanagerid": "string",
    "projectmanagername": "string",
    "billingcompany": "string",
    "maincompany": "string",
    "createdbyid": "string",
    "createdbyname": "string",
    "eventstartdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
    "eventenddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
    "eventprepdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
    "eventreturndate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
    "profitcenter": "string",
    "isclosed": true


End Point: /events/{id}

You can retrieve all information including the comments of a specific event by ID using this service.

Sample response payload

  "recordid": "string",  
  "eventid": "string",
  "eventname": "string",
  "referencenumber": "string",
  "closed": true,
  "projectid": "string",
  "profitcenterid": "string",
  "salesmanagerid": "string",
  "clientmanagerid": "string",
  "projectmanagerid": "string",
  "eventtype": "Conference",
  "itempricegroupid": "string",
  "laborpricegroupid": "string",
  "billtocustomertype": "Main Company",
  "maincustomerid": "string",
  "maincontactid": "string",
  "mainworkphone": "string",
  "billingcustomerid": "string",
  "billingcontactid": "string",
  "billingworkphone": "string",
  "datecreated": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "createdbyid": "string",
  "startdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "enddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "prepdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "shipdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "loadindate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "rehearsaldate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "showstartdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "showenddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "strikedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "pickupdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "returndate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
            "recordid": "string",
            "locationid": "string",
            "locationname": "string",
                        "addressline": "string",
                        "city": "string",
                        "state": "string",
                        "zip": "string",
                        "country": "string"
            "type": "Convention",
            "isdefault": true
        "caption": "string",
        "value": "string"
          "recordid": "string",
          "comment": "string"


End Point: /events

This action is used to create an Event by providing following event details: General, Dates, Location, Comments, and UDF.  Mandatory field details must be entered for successful creation. Recordid in comments must be null.

On successful creation, you will see the entire object in the response.

The ID of the new record will be returned in 'Location' attribute of the HTTP Header.

The 'Location' indicates the target of a redirection or the URL of a newly created resource.

For example: /events/{id}

Sample request payload

  "recordid": "string",
  "eventid": "string",
  "eventname": "string",
  "referencenumber": "string",
  "closed": true,
  "projectid": "string",
  "profitcenterid": "string",
  "salesmanagerid": "string",
  "clientmanagerid": "string",
  "projectmanagerid": "string",
  "eventtype": "Conference",
  "itempricegroupid": "string",
  "laborpricegroupid": "string",
  "billtocustomertype": "Main Company",
  "maincontactid": "string",
  "mainworkphone": "string",
  "billingcontactid": "string",
  "billingworkphone": "string",
  "startdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "enddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "prepdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "shipdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "loadindate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "rehearsaldate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "showstartdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "showenddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "strikedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "pickupdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "returndate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
                    "recordid": "string",
                    "locationid": "string",
                               "addressline": "string",
                               "city": "string",
                               "state": "string",
                               "zip": "string",
                               "country": "string"
                    "type": "Convention",
                    "isdefault": true

          "caption": "string",
          "value": "string"
              "recordid": "string",
              "comment": "string"


End Point: /events/{id}

You can modify the details of an existing Event including the comments.

After a successful update, you will see the entire object in the response.

Sample request payload

  "recordid": "string",
  "eventid": "string",
  "eventname": "string",
  "referencenumber": "string",
  "closed": true,
  "projectid": "string",
  "profitcenterid": "string",
  "salesmanagerid": "string",
  "clientmanagerid": "string",
  "projectmanagerid": "string",
  "eventtype": "Conference",
  "itempricegroupid": "string",
  "laborpricegroupid": "string",
  "billtocustomertype": "Main Company",
  "maincontactid": "string",
  "mainworkphone": "string",
  "billingcontactid": "string",
  "billingworkphone": "string",
  "startdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "enddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "prepdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "shipdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "loadindate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "rehearsaldate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "showstartdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "showenddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "strikedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "pickupdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
  "returndate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
                    "recordid": "string",
                    "locationid": "string",
                               "addressline": "string",
                               "city": "string",
                               "state": "string",
                               "zip": "string",
                               "country": "string"
                    "type": "Convention",
                    "isdefault": true
          "caption": "string",
          "value": "string"
              "recordid": "string",
              "comment": "string"
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