For Transfer Orders
The API will generate the Picklist document in PDF format Only that will return the document in binary format.

In the above dialog box, the Configurable options, which are not highlighted in yellow, are controlled through ‘Employee Defaults’ settings, and will be considered through their values mentioned in the API payload.
These values are managed as below:
Form UI, Print Type: Will be the default form UI for the specific Site of the Transfers.
File type will be always PDF
Group on Child Items → This field is considered as FALSE.
Add Page Break on Sort → This field is considered as FALSE.
Date Filters (Start Date and End Date) → This field is considered as BLANK.
Picklist Print Form
The system will use the default Picklist form configured for the order's site.
If no default form is set, the system will use the first form listed alphabetically.
It is suggested to ensure that the folder containing the Forms is accessible through the R2API server.
The best solution is configure it as a network path.
End Point: /warehouse/transfers/{transferOrderID}/generate/picklist
This method allows you send a request to generate a picklist in PDF Format.
In the request you can provide the from and to date which will get you only the items having this as last time status was changed.
Sample request payload
Startdate: "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
enddate: "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
sortby: string,
orderby: string
The value shippingsiteid
is compared with contract line Shipping Site ID.
is BLANK, system automatically considered it as "ALL SITES".
Sample response payload
Response Information
The name of the generated PDF file will be included in the response header under Content-Disposition It will appear as an attachment with a specific filename.
Picklist Filename’s Naming Convention
<Order-ID>_Picklist<Date-Time Stamp in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Format>
Error Handling:
System automatically considers the following situation and responds appropriately
FORM UI is not found.
FORM UI is not accessible.
Any required input is not given in the request payload etc.