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Mark an Item as Deleted from Prep task.

You can Mark an Item as Deleted from Prep task.

You can Delete filled lines only if the flag…

R2 > Configuration > Warehouse > Allow Deleting/Cancelling Filled Lines is True.

For this, first you need to open a warehouse session. This will assign a unique session id.
The response will return affected items with their current warehouse status upon success processing.
Once you are done with your Warehouse Operation you must close the session.

  • You can start the session only after you have fetched the schedule list.

  • On closing of warehouse session, system will sync all status changes to the Order.




End Point: /warehouse/order/{recordid}/session/{sessionid}/markasdeleted


Sample Request payload

                 "referencenumber": 0,
                 "warehousetransferschedulelinerecordid": "String"


Sample Response Payload

If Returned/ Received Successful.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.