GET Item Pricing List
Using this service, you can retrieve Pricing List of an Item through API, so that you can use that to integrate or update or delete them through other Pricing APIs.
End Point: /items/{ID}/pricings
The response will have the list of pricing records of the given SKU
Records are given back in pages (Implcit Pagination). 25 recrds per page.
Each record will have the recordid attribute (unique internal reference of a pricing record), which can be used by the client to invoke further PUT/DELETE
Query param "filter" can be used to fetch with specific conditions
Sample response payload
recordid : "7a6b2c8de78a9d"
pricegroupid : "PG1"
effectivedate : "05/23/2024"
unit : "Day"
price : 100
cost : 25
overheadcost : 5
minimumprice : 70
recordid : "8a3b7d0c7f2e7"
pricegroupid : "PG1"
effectivedate : "05/23/2024"
unit : "Week"
price : 500
cost : 100
overheadcost : 20
minimumprice : 300