PUT and POST Item pricings
Using this service, you can create or update Pricing records for an Item, Kit, Part or a Misc. charge using an API, so that you can create or update those external to R2 application.
End Point: /items/{ID}/pricings
The POST/PUT/DELETE have the endpoints in plural, to indicate the bulk operations.
Here Id is the SKU/recordID of SKU.
recordID is of the Pricing record, which was in the response of the GET List.
You can update multiple pricing records in PUT end point.
You can send multiple pricing records of a particular product to the POST endpoint.
Sample Request Payload:
PUT /items/SKU12938/pricings
"recordid": "string",
"pricegroupid": "string",
"effectivedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
"unit": "Weekly",
"price": 0,
"minimumprice": 0,
"cost": 0,
"overheadcost": 0
Sample response:
"recordid": "string",
"pricegroupid": "string",
"effectivedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
"unit": "Weekly",
"price": 0,
"minimumprice": 0,
"cost": 0,
"overheadcost": 0
"faultCode": 1187,
"faultString": "Record 1 failed to process, since pricegroupid: Invalid pricing group id: 12"