Details of a Rental/Sale Order
You can get details for any specific Rental or Sale Order using the ID.
You need to open a warehouse session by invoking {/session/open} which will assign a unique sessionID.
Thereby, use the {/schedules} endpoint to obtain the recordID of the schedule/task.
Lastly, use the {/orders/schedules/{recordID}/session/{sessionID}/} endpoint to retrieve the warehouseschedulelinerecordID.
Once, you have received the details, and there is no more Warehouse operation pending, you must close the session by invoking (/session/close).
You can start the session only after you have fetched the schedule list.
On closing of warehouse session, system will sync all status changes to the Order.
End Point: /warehouse/orders/schedules/{recordID}/session/{sessionID}
Retrieve all information of a specific warehouse task belongs to Order category.
Sample response payload
"recordid": "string",
"ordertype": "Contract",
"orderid": "string",
"siteid": "string",
"sitename": "string",
"description": "string",
"done": true,
"scheduledateandtime": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
"assignedtoid": "string",
"assignedtoname": "string",
"loadindateandtime": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
"recordid": "string",
"comment": "string",
"alwaysontop": true,
"createdbyid": "string",
"createdbyname": "string",
"createdbyfirstname": "string",
"createdbymiddlename": "string",
"createdbylastname": "string",
"createddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"
"recordid": "string",
"linenumber": 0,
"levelnumber": 0,
"isformedheader": true,
"status": "Not Available",
"productid": "string",
"assetid": "string",
"description": "string",
"isserial": true,
"iskitheader": true,
"shelflocation": "string",
"binnumber": "string",
"orderedquantity": 0,
"filledquantity": 0,
"shippedquantity": 0,
"receivedquantity": 0,
"containerid": "string",
"transferlinerecordid": "string"