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Search by UDF in Item GET List API

If you search Items by value of a user defined field, you will get the list of items having those UDF values.

User of the API would get the name of the UDF field they want to filter with from R2. There is no end point provided to get the list of Item UDFs.


End Point: /itemsList Items

Sample response payload

    "recordid": "string",
    "productid": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "itemtype": "Items",
    "misctype": "Misc",
    "serial": true,
    "rent": true,
    "sell": true,
    "stock": 0,
    "availablequantity": 0,
    "siteid": "string",
    "sitename": "string",
    "manufacturer": "string",
    "model": "string",
    "upc": "string",
    "departmentid": "string",
    "availablegroupid": "string",
    "exchangegroupid": "string",
    "commissiongroupid": "string",
    "reportgroupid": "string",
    "attributegroupid": "string",
    "taxgroupid": "string",
    "shelflocation": "string",
    "binnumber": "string",
    "nswithassets": true,
    "partnumber": "string",
    "categoryid": "string",
    "subcategoryid": "string",
    "alloweddiscount": 0,
    "allowsubrent": true,
    "checkavailability": true,
    "childitems": [
    "iscontainer": true
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