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Batch Returns

You can return items pertaining to multiple orders/events.

For this, first you need to open a warehouse session. This will assign a unique session id.
The response will return affected items with their current warehouse status upon success processing.
Once you are done with your Warehouse Operation you must close the session.

  • You can start the session only after you have fetched the schedule list.

  • On closing of warehouse session, system will sync all status changes to the Order.


End Point: /warehouse/batchreturn/session/{sessionID}

Sample Request payload

                 "referencenumber": 0,
                 "assetorproductid": "string",
                 "qty": 0,
                 "eventid": "string",
                 "orderid": "string",
                 "action": "Return"
                 "restrictreturn": true
  • If restrictreturnis set to false:

    • The API will returns across all orders without restriction.

  • If restrictreturnis set to true:

    • The API will validate that the asset belongs to the specified eventID or orderID.

    • If the asset belongs to another event or order, the API will respond with an informative message, explaining that the asset cannot be returned under the specified event or order and providing guidance on how to proceed.

Sample Response Payload

If Returned/ Received Successful.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_00018: Not a valid ID.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Item was not dispatched.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Item is not out on any Order.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Warning: Item is filled on other Order.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Item is damaged.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Cannot return a Sold Item.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Entered item is not a Non-Serial Item.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: For Non-Serial Items providing Event ID or Order ID is Mandatory.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Invalid Product ID or Asset ID..

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Warning: Detected [EXCESSQTY] excess quantities! You scanned [SCANNEDQTY] and we could return only [RETURNEDQTY].

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

f Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Warning: Detected [EXCESSQTY] excess quantities! You scanned [SCANNEDQTY] and we could receive only [RECEIVEDQTY].

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_00711: Oops! We were unable to perform the Operation

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_00744: Stored procedure execution failed.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_00853: Invalid Quantity.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Invalid request parameters

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Warning: Order is in use. Please close and reopen to proceed.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_01258: Warehouse Operation Failed. Please try again.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Asset is not out on any Order.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_02026: Too many inputs. Only one of the attributes - ‘Event ID’ or ‘Order ID' was expected.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_02027: Session ID does not belong to the Current User.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_02028: Invalid EventID.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_02029: Invalid OrderID.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
R2_02032: Action ‘[Action]’ is not supported. Please refer to the documentation to know the list actions supported.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Warning: Item not found to Receive.

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

If Returned/ Received was not Successful.
Error: Received failed. Item is planned to be received in [TO_TOSite] through [TO_ID].

Your 'Request' is responded with the following payload
                  "referencenumber": 0,
                  "faultCode": 0,
                  "faultString": "string",
                  "hint": "string"

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