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Content was last updated in 06.23.01-00

Revision History

API Version

R2 Version

Reference No.





New field reportgroupid added to GET by ID




Items, Kits, Labor, and Misc Charges GL Account IDs are retrievable through GET by ID




Posted By and Posted Date are also retrievable through GET By ID



R2-15473, R2-15474, R2-15912

Introduction to Invoice resource


This resource provides a set of operations to GET invoice details and POST a specific invoice by ID.



You can retrieve all information of a specific invoice by ID.

Also, the Items, Kits, Labor, and Misc Charges GL Account IDs are retrievable through GET by ID.


Sample response payload


  "invoiceid": "string",

  "parentinvoiceid": "string",

  "secondaryinvoiceid": "string",

  "externalreferencenumber": "string",

  "type": "Invoice",

  "summarytype": "Invoice",

  "posted": true,

  "postedbyid": "string",

  "posteddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "batchid": "string",

  "orderid": "string",

  "orderdescription": "string",

  "project": "string",

  "eventid": "string",

  "maincustomerid": "string",

  "billingcustomerid": "string",

  "billingcontactid": "string",

  "siteid": "string",

  "sitename": "string",

  "siteglcode": "string",

  "startdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "enddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "billdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "duedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "activedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "nextfinchargedate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "lastupdated": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

  "paymenttermid": "string",

  "assignedempid": "string",

  "salespersonid": "string",

  "createdbyid": "string",

  "standaloneinvoice": true,

  "masterbilling": true,

  "commentsexist": true,

  "sitecurrencyid": "string",

  "transactioncurrencyid": "string",

  "basecurrencyid": "string",

  "defaultunit": "Week",

  "taxable": true,

  "taxregion": "string",

  "tax": 0,

  "amount": 0,

  "paidamount": 0,

  "advanceamount": 0,

  "orderdiscount": 0,

  "discounttype": "Fixed",

  "discountamount": 0,

  "totalitemsamount": 0,

  "totallaboramount": 0,

  "totalitemstaxamount": 0,

  "totallabortaxamount": 0,

  "totalitemsdiscount": 0,

  "totallabordiscount": 0,

  "damagewaivervalue": 0,

  "damagewaivertaxamount": 0,

  "damagewaivertype": "Fixed",

  "damagewaiverpercent": 0,

  "applytaxondamagewaiver": true,

  "servicechargevalue": 0,

  "servicechargetaxamount": 0,

  "servicechargetype": "Fixed",

  "servicechargepercent": 0,

  "applytaxonservicecharge": true,

  "servicechargeonsellitems": true,

  "servicechargeondiscountedamount": true,

  "consumablevalue": 0,

  "consumabletaxamount": 0,

  "consumabletype": "Fixed",

  "consumablepercent": 0,

  "applytaxonconsumable": true,

  "totalcreditdebitdamagewaivervalue": 0,

  "totalcreditdebitservicechargevalue": 0,

  "totalcreditdebitconsumablevalue": 0,

  "totalcreditdebittax": 0,

  "masterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

  "totalmeteramount": 0,

  "paymethod": "Visa",

  "paytype": "Bill",

  "paymethodreferenceid": "string",

  "commissiongroupid": "string",

  "custdiscountgroupid": "string",

  "priceroundinggroupid": "string",

  "ponumber": "string",

  "department": "string",

  "profitcenterid": "string",

  "masterbillingid": "string",

  "customertaxgroupid": "string",

  "customerpricegroupid": "string",

  "laborpricegroupid": "string",

  "invoicecategoryid": "string",

  "invoicesubcategoryid": "string",

  "taxcertificateno": "string",

  "languageid": "string",

  "shippingaddress": {

    "addressline": "string",

    "city": "string",

    "state": "string",

    "zip": "string",

    "country": "string"


  "billingaddress": {

    "addressline": "string",

    "city": "string",

    "state": "string",

    "zip": "string",

    "country": "string"


  "invoiceitems": [


      "recordid": "string",

      "lineno": 0,

      "productid": "string",

      "description": "string",

      "type": "null",

      "misctype": "Misc",

      "pricingmethod": "Package",

      "action": "Rent",

      "status": "Hold",

      "unit": "Week",

      "daysinweek": 0,

      "daysinmonth": 0,

      "quantity": 0,

      "startdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

      "enddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

      "addeddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

      "chargeduration": "string",

      "fullchargeduration": "string",

      "price": 0,

      "sitecurrencyprice": 0,

      "basecurrencyprice": 0,

      "dayprice": 0,

      "sitecurrencydayprice": 0,

      "basecurrencydayprice": 0,

      "weekprice": 0,

      "sitecurrencyweekprice": 0,

      "basecurrencyweekprice": 0,

      "monthprice": 0,

      "sitecurrencymonthprice": 0,

      "basecurrencymonthprice": 0,

      "discountpercent": 0,

      "allowdiscount": 0,

      "discountamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencydiscountamount": 0,

      "basecurrencydiscountamount": 0,

      "amount": 0,

      "sitecurrencyamount": 0,

      "basecurrencyamount": 0,

      "taxable": true,

      "taxamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencytaxamount": 0,

      "basecurrencytaxamount": 0,

      "totalcreditdebitamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencytotalcreditdebitamount": 0,

      "basecurrencytotalcreditdebitamount": 0,

      "masterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

      "sitemasterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

      "basemasterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

      "meteramount": 0,

      "sitecurrencymeteramount": 0,

      "basecurrencymeteramount": 0,

      "meterdiscountamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencymeterdiscountamount": 0,

      "basecurrencymeterdiscountamount": 0,

      "cost": 0,

      "revenue": 0,

      "weight": 0,

      "department": "string",

      "itemtaxgroupid": "string",

      "reportgroupid": "string",

      "exchangable": true,

      "expanded": true,

      "locked": true,

      "commentsexist": true,

      "printable": true,

      "descriptionmodified": true,

      "rentglaccountid": "string",

      "salesglaccountid": "string",

      "subrentglaccountid": "string",

      "expensesaccountglaccountid": "string",

      "cogsglaccountid": "string",

      "depreciationglaccountid": "string",

      "inventoryglaccountid": "string",

      "accountdepreciationglaccountid": "string",

      "writeoffglaccountid": "string",

      "discountglaccountid": "string"



  "invoicelabors": [


      "recordid": "string",

      "lineno": 0,

      "laborid": "string",

      "description": "string",

      "action": "Rent",

      "startdate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

      "enddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

      "addeddate": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",

      "quantity": 0,

      "rt": 0,

      "ot": 0,

      "dt": 0,

      "rtrate": 0,

      "sitecurrencyrtrate": 0,

      "basecurrencyrtrate": 0,

      "otrate": 0,

      "sitecurrencyotrate": 0,

      "basecurrencyotrate": 0,

      "dtrate": 0,

      "sitecurrencydtrate": 0,

      "basecurrencydtrate": 0,

      "discountpercent": 0,

      "allowdiscount": 0,

      "discountamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencydiscountamount": 0,

      "basecurrencydiscountamount": 0,

      "amount": 0,

      "sitecurrencyamount": 0,

      "basecurrencyamount": 0,

      "taxable": true,

      "taxamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencytaxamount": 0,

      "basecurrencytaxamount": 0,

      "totalcreditdebitamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencytotalcreditdebitamount": 0,

      "basecurrencytotalcreditdebitamount": 0,

      "masterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencymasterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

      "basecurrencymasterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

      "costrt": 0,

      "sitecurrencycostrt": 0,

      "basecurrencycostrt": 0,

      "costot": 0,

      "sitecurrencycostot": 0,

      "basecurrencycostot": 0,

      "costdt": 0,

      "sitecurrencycostdt": 0,

      "basecurrencycostdt": 0,

      "taxgroupid": "string",

      "reportgroupid": "string",

      "department": "string",

      "commentsexist": true,

      "locked": true,

      "descriptionmodified": true,

      "rentglaccountid": "string",

      "expensesaccountglaccountid": "string",

      "inventoryglaccountid": "string",

      "discountglaccountid": "string"



   "taxschedules": [


      "scheduleid": "string",

      "scheduledescription": "string",

      "glcode": "string",

      "taxpercent": 0,

      "taxamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencytaxamount": 0,

      "basecurrencytaxamount": 0,

      "taxableamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencytaxableamount": 0,

      "basecurrencytaxableamount": 0,

      "masterbillingdiscounttaxableamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencymasterbillingdiscounttaxableamount": 0,

      "basecurrencymasterbillingdiscounttaxableamount": 0,

      "masterbillingdiscounttaxamount": 0,

      "sitecurrencymasterbillingdiscounttaxamount": 0,

      "basecurrencymasterbillingdiscounttaxamount": 0



    "currencyamounts": {

    "siteamount": 0,

    "baseamount": 0,

    "sitepaidamount": 0,

    "basepaidamount": 0,

    "sitetax": 0,

    "basetax": 0,

    "sitetotalitemsamount": 0,

    "basetotalitemsamount": 0,

    "sitetotalitemstaxamount": 0,

    "basetotalitemstaxamount": 0,

    "sitetotalitemsdiscount": 0,

    "basetotalitemsdiscount": 0,

    "sitetotallaboramount": 0,

    "basetotallaboramount": 0,

    "sitetotallabortaxamount": 0,

    "basetotallabortaxamount": 0,

    "sitetotallabordiscount": 0,

    "basetotallabordiscount": 0,

    "sitedamagewaivervalue": 0,

    "basedamagewaivervalue": 0,

    "sitedamagewaivertaxamount": 0,

    "basedamagewaivertaxamount": 0,

    "siteservicechargevalue": 0,

    "baseservicechargevalue": 0,

    "siteservicechargetaxamount": 0,

    "baseservicechargetaxamount": 0,

    "siteconsumablevalue": 0,

    "baseconsumablevalue": 0,

    "siteconsumabletaxamount": 0,

    "baseconsumabletaxamount": 0,

    "sitetotalcreditdebitdamagewaivervalue": 0,

    "basetotalcreditdebitdamagewaivervalue": 0,

    "sitetotalcreditdebitservicechargevalue": 0,

    "basetotalcreditdebitservicechargevalue": 0,

    "sitetotalcreditdebittaxvalue": 0,

    "basetotalcreditdebittaxvalue": 0,

    "sitetotalcreditdebitconsumablevalue": 0,

    "basetotalcreditdebitconsumablevalue": 0,

    "sitemasterbillingdiscountamount": 0,

    "basemasterbillingdiscountamount": 0



POST: Mark Invoice as posted

You can mark a specific invoice as posted by Invoice ID and can also provide an external reference number while posting the Invoice using this service.

After a successful Invoice posting, the service returns HTTPStatus 200 – Ok status response code and response payload consists Invoice ID.

  • Posting is done by Invoice not by batch. 

  • Posting is per Invoice. 

  • When the last Open Invoice within a Batch is getting posted, then the Batch also get posted.

  • Upon Posting AR Invoice either through R2 application or through Post Invoice API, Posted Date and Posted By  will be updated. This works for all types of Invoices and all Billing in the application. 


Sample response payload


 "invoiceid": "string"


Click here to see how the APIs helps to integrate R2 with your accounting system/software.

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