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Putting Items back where they belong

Content was last updated in 06.23.08-00

Revision History

  Version No.

  Reference No.




Availability of Non-Serial kits impacted by Transfer Orders



Intelligently calculating availability of Non-serial kits

Ever tried finding needle in a haystack. You can bet, if you would ever find it.

Simply because, a needle doesn't belong there. It ought to be kept in the sewing box.

That logic holds good for your Warehouse as well.

Camera Lens kits of a specific brand/focal-length along with other lens with of the same brand/focal-length. Wireless audio microphones to be kept along with other microphones.

This way, when you have to pick them for an Order next time, there isn't much looking around needed. Items would be exactly where they should be.


How do we do that? Whenever an item is back from an Order, it should be placed back in the Bin, on the Shelf earmarked to it (as per records in R2).

The Barcode on the item can fetch you that detail. And you can match it with the location you are standing at.

If item has been moved deliberately, you can update the location details, else, go to the correct location and place item there.


The Warehouse Application is now empowered with this feature. And the workflow is as follows:

  1. In Warehouse Mobile App, navigate to Product Info tab

  2. Scan the Shelf Id (barcode available on the shelf rack)

  3. Then Scan the SKU or Asset Id.

The Warehouse Mobile App .opens the product info screen.

  1. If the shelf does not match with the scanned shelf value, the app would mention the same in a prompt.

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