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How to Create a Condition?

Create Condition

To create a condition in BRE Log in to Labor > Navigate to Main Menu > BRE > Conditions.

You can also create and edit conditions directly from the Rule edit screen without navigating to Conditions. To do this, navigate to Rule > Select a Rule > Click Edit (to modify an existing condition) or Click Create (to create a new condition). By default, the "Created for" dropdown will be set to Rule, as the condition is being created or edited in the context of an existing Rule.

Create Condition screen is displayed.


Figure 1.1: Create Condition screen

Steps to Create Conditions

image-20241212-112028.png Header Section

  1. Condition Name: Enter a descriptive name for the condition in the text field.

    • Example: "Late Payment Trigger" or "High Order Value Condition."

  2. Defined For Entity: Select the entity the condition applies to. This could be any of the following entities:

    • Booking lines, Contact, Company, Inventory Master, Purchase Order, Schedule, Opportunity, Order Item Lines, etc.

    • Example: If Entity is selected as “booking lines” which is child entity of planning order. Conditions defined at the planning order level can include conditions for child entities like booking lines, ensuring comprehensive rule application across related entities.

    • Example: Select Order Item Lines if the condition is based on specific details related to an order item, like the order amount.

  3. Created For: Choose what the condition is created for:

    • Rules: If the condition is part of a rule for automating business processes.

    • Templates & Recipients : If it's related to templates that are used to structure messages, If the condition applies to notifying specific recipients.

  4. Active: Check this box if the condition should be active and in effect. If the condition is not active, it won’t even list in the condition list.

  5. Save: After setting up the condition, the Save button is used to store the changes.

image-20241212-112128.png Condition Grid


This below table helps in understanding how to define conditions in a rule creation process within the system.

Field Name


When?: Specifies when the condition is evaluated, such as on a change in data or during the creation or deletion of records.

Always: This option means the rule will be triggered ‘every time' it is evaluated, regardless of any changes or actions in the R2 system such as Orders, PO, Warehouse tasks etc.

On Change: This option means the rule will be triggered ‘only when the data associated with the rule changes’.

On Create: This option means the rule will be triggered ‘when a new record is created’ from the system.

  • When 'On Create' is selected in the 'When?' field, all other fields in the condition grid are automatically disabled except relational operator field, as rule triggers are executed only at the time of booking line creation, making other conditions irrelevant.

On Delete: This option means the rule will be triggered ‘only when an entity or record is deleted’ from the system.

  • When 'On Delete' is selected in the 'When?' field, all other fields in the condition grid are automatically disabled except relational operator field, as rule triggers are executed only at the time of booking line deletion, making other conditions irrelevant.

Field: The specific field that the condition checks. This could be anything from order amount to billing details.

Condition Fields are listed based on entity selected. Active, Annual Revenue, Billable, Category, Customer Type, Description etc.,

Consider: Determines if the condition compares the current value or the previous value of the field.

Current Value, Previous Value.

Example: If you want to define the condition before the value change or after the value change.


  1. Entity: You choose Booking lines.

  2. First condition: You set the first condition to trigger when something is created (the "On create" condition).

  3. Second condition: You add another condition that always applies, which is the "On change" condition (this checks if something has changed).

  4. Field to check: The field you're checking is called 'Start date'.

  5. Criteria: You are checking if the 'Previous value' of the Start date is less than a specific value.

  6. Comparison value: The comparison value is 'current date + 30' (meaning 30 days from today).

  7. This means the notification will happen if either:

    • A booking line is created, or

    • The previous value of the Start date was less than 30 days from today before it was changed.

Criteria: Defines the type of comparison used for evaluation.

Criteria is listed based on Field selected for entity.

Compare With: Specifies other fields or values that the selected field will be compared to.

Compares with gives the list based on selected field If "Billing Contact" is selected in field, options may include: Advance, Amount, Billing Term, Billing Customer, Billing Contact

Value: The actual value that is compared with the field's value

Value will be checked for Number, Date and name pattern. If selected field is date you can set compare with date, if you select field as amount then compare should be entered with values.

  • It checks if an amount is greater than 500.

  • It checks if date is greater than 30 days.

  • It checks name starts with x.

Ignore Time: If checked, time data is ignored when comparing fields that contain date values.

Yes or No

Relational Operator: Logical operator (e.g., AND, OR) used to combine multiple conditions.


Example for AND:

  • Entity: You choose Booking lines.

  • You set a condition to trigger when something is created (the "On create" condition).

  • You add another condition line that always applies (Always).

  • The field you're checking is called Rule, and you're looking for when its current value is 5000.

  • The condition says to check if this value equals 5000.

When both of these conditions are true, the notification is triggered.

In short, when a booking line is created, AND the rule's value is 5000, a notification will be sent.

Example for OR:

  • Entity: You choose Booking lines.

  • First condition: You set the first condition to trigger when something is created (this is the "On create" condition).

  • Second condition: You add another condition that always applies, which is the "On change" condition (meaning it checks if something changes).

  • Field to check: The field you're checking is called 'Start date'.

  • Criteria: You are checking if the 'Current value' of the Start date is greater than a specific value.

  • Comparison value: The comparison value is 'current date + 30' (meaning 30 days from today).

So, in simple terms:

When a booking line is created, OR if the Start date is set to a date that is more than 30 days from today, the condition will be met and notification sent.


After setting up the condition, the Save button is used to store the changes.

Add/Delete (Icons): Use these icons to add a new criteria or delete an existing one.

The add icon allows you to create additional conditions if needed.

The delete icon removes unwanted conditions.

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