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Labor Portal Alert Template

When you're creating an alert template specifically for the Labor Portal, the system requires specific configurations for Field Tokens and the Message Body. These fields allow for dynamic, personalized alerts based on business logic, conditions, and the selected rule entities.

In a Rule Edit screen > set the Labor Portal alert template fields directly as part of the rule creation or modification process.


Figure 1.0: Labor Portal Alert Template

Labor Portal Alert Template - Applicable only when: For 'Notify On' Labor Portal is selected.

  1. Field Token for Template:
    This dropdown allows you to select dynamic placeholders or tokens that will be used in the message body. These tokens represent variables that will be automatically populated with real data at runtime.
    If you choose Order as the entity, the available field tokens might include OrderID, OrderAmount, OrderDate, OrderStatus, etc.

  2. Template for Labor Portal Alert:
    The Text Box for the Message Body is where you define the actual content of the alert that will be displayed in the Labor Portal.
    Within the message body, you insert the Field Tokens that you selected from the dropdown. When the alert is triggered, the system will replace these tokens with real data specific to the recipient or the event.

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