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Are you operating your business under the consistent fear of losing current and potential clients due to miscommunication, delayed response time, and missed opportunities?

Well, then its time for you to empower your Sales enablement workflow with a robust customer support tool.

CRM is design to keep customers at the pivotal of your business process. Use it to boost your business' efficiency, track and close more sales effortlessly juggle thousands of customer interactions though a single interface.

By using CRM you can stay on top of the game, by being fully aware of your clients’ needs, because when you help your customers with the edge to grow and improve, you pave your own path to success.

Key Benefits

  • Simple, intuitive, easy, and user-configurable setup for prospective opportunities, and follow-ups.

  • Get pro-actively alerted and notified about key leads, high value opportunities, and win/loss ratios.

  • Prevent creating multiple customer record for the same customer, there by diluting your database by auto- check for duplicate records.

  • View the historical data regarding all the previous line of business (Orders/Invoices) for each of the customers.


The following diagram illustrates the system architecture of the CRM application.

  1. CRM Portal: This application is the user interface of the system which the end users interact with. It is responsible for identifying the user, allowing access to the application, process the inputs, and provide the necessary features of the CRM application to the users.

  2. BackEnd-for-FrontEnd (BFF): This is a service layer specifically catering the UI/UX requirements of the portal. It is responsible for processing the input, formatting data, manage session, and generally support the necessary user experience of the application.

  3. CRM API: This is the RESTful service layer of the CRM application. This supports calls to CRM entities like Customer, Opportunity, Task, and Employee required by the system.

  4. Docker Engine: Used to manage and launch the Docker images of the application modules which are Portal, BFF, and CRM APIs. All these applications are Docker containers and are managed using the Docker Engine.

  5. R2 API: This is the RESTful service layer to R2. This supports API calls to R2 entities like Customer, Orders etc., required by the system.

  6. MongoDB: Used for session management, to hold json configuration required to render the application screens.

  7. Oracle Database (R2): This is the R2 database to which the application (via APIs) store and fetch the CRM data.

Technologies Used

  • Microsoft .Net Core

  • OData, Entity Framework

  • ReactJS, Redux, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3

  • NodeJS

  • Mongo db

  • Oracle Database 12c and above

  • Docker Engine

  • Nginx Reverse proxy

  • RESTful services for APIs

  • Microsoft Graph API for Office 365 Integration

System requirements

System resources must be customized based on number of concurrent users, CPU load, memory, and disk space required to meet expected performance by the customer.

Application Server

Operating System

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS or above64-bit


AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (or Intel chipset based)

2 Core


16 GB (recommended)

Hard Disk

20 GB (minimum)

Applicable for OS and system files


100 mbps/Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

Minimum RAM for Docker

3 GB (consumed from system memory above)

Internet Access


Server setup requires packages to be downloaded from the internet

**The specification (RAM and Processor) is for 50 users, and for every additional 50 users, the specification (RAM and Processor) must be increased by 50%.

Additionally, you also required to set up the API server.

The system requirement for this server are mentioned here.

Following Ports need to be opened for access from public network/internet

  • 443 -  HTTPS port for application access

  • 9450 -  For login using WSO2 Identity Server

Domain names used in the application is to be configured in 'Fully Qualified Domain Name' (FQDN)

 Take IT help as necessary to map the URLs to the public domain/IP.

 Database Server (Oracle)

This will be as per R2 system requirements. CRM connects to the same database as the R2 application. Therefore, the server specification of R2 is to be followed.

Any additional disk space required for CRM is to be added/provisioned based on the amount of data the customer expects on CRM application.

To know more about our CRM, and to get it on your test environment today, please reach out to our Sales team.

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