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Using the filters

Filters refers to list of searches that might be applicable while viewing records of Company, Opportunity, etc. You can do a drill-down search to filter out a particular type of record.

The filter options are available to search the company, opportunity, and the task. Searches in CRM are through the search grids which are available as shown below.

Figure 1.0: Search Grid

Sorting option is also available as shown below.

Figure 1.1: Sorting option

How to filter data?

The sample flow explained below is to filter a particular company.  

  1. Go to Company window.

  2. The filters grid is available as shown in Figure 1.0.

  3. Click and the filter criteria options displays along with Enable, Disable, and Clear options.

  • Enable: Allows to enter the value in the filter textbox to filter the data.

  • Disable: Does not allow to enter any value in the filter textbox to filter the data.

  • Clear: Clears the applied filter criteria.

  1. You can choose any filter criteria from the list based on the data you need to filter out.

Figure 1.3: Filter Criteria options

  1. The tool allows you to use predictive search. Let's say, you want to search the word [Unibiz].

As you begin typing the word 'Un', the predictive search prompts you with the options of company names starting with 'Un' — such as [Unique Business Systems, Unites Airlines]. From here, you can select the word you want to use.

Figure 1.4: Predictive text search

  1. As you type the entire company name, system further drill downs the search and displays the results that matches with your value in the textbox.

Figure 1.5: Filtered Company

Similarly, you can search the data using any of the column header filter dropdown from Company/ Opportunity/Task Manager window as needed. 

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