(06.24.02-00) Creating a Calendar Event
To create a new Calendar Event, go to the Calendar Screen; and click on the desired start date on which you want to create the event.

Create a New Calendar Event
As a mandatory field, select the ‘Event Description’ from the dropdown.
If the required ‘Event Description’ is not listed, you can manually type it in. However, for this you must know the exact name of the ‘Event Description’ definition.
Then add ‘Assignee’ to the ‘Event Description’. For this you need to type-in the name of the Crew.
Now, select a Start and End date. Ensure that, Start/End time is not taken as default of 00:00.
Once all details are entered, click Apply.
The ‘Calendar Event’ will not get listed in the ‘Calendar Window’, on the selected dates.

Calendar Event Example