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(06.24.02-00) Conflict in Labor Lines (Thunderbolt Icons)

Content was last updated in 06.23.05-00

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Cross reference to the scenarios that trigger a Conflict in R2Labor added.



Restrict changes to un-planned Labor Lines in R2Labor while modifications happen in R2.

R2 and R2Labor have a lot of data in sync, and at times the same data is modified by one user logged either through R2/R2Labor, which another user is accessing it through a different interface. In such case, a conflict of interest may occur if changes to the Labor Line(s) is not notified to the users.

To address this issues, notifications have enabled in R2, through change-logs in R2Labor, at both — Planning Order and Whiteboard. These notifications (Change Log) will appear as a popup panel, when you click the 'Thunderbolt' icon in the CT (Conflict) column of Planning Order.

Additionally, some access-alteration restrictions have been added in R2Labor. Now, system will not allow you to modify an un-planned Labor Line, while a changes made to the same line in R2 are being saved. During the Save operation in R2, system will restrict any pre-emptive over-writing of changes to the lines in R2Labor.

These changes to the Labor Line(s) may include - Editing Labor information, Date re-assign, or just simply deletion of the line. However, all such changes will appear chronologically in the Change Log notifications.

Functionality Covered

Labor Line(s) change notification through CT Column in R2Labor

When an un-planned Booking Line is being modified in R2Labor, and the same line is also modified and saved in R2, then a notification is displayed in CT Column of Planning Order, indicating that changes were made to the specific line.

All changes to are logged chronologically. The changes can be viewed from either the Planning Order or Whiteboard.

To view the changes, click the 'Thunderbolt' icon . A popup will display the list of changes in the pattern.

Figure 1.0: Labor Line change notification as viewed from Planning Order

There can be 6 different possible situations in which the 'Conflict' Icon would appear on Labor Line in the Planning Order Window

Pre-emptive locking of a un-planned Booking Line(s) in R2Labor and Planning Order is still open, while changes to it are being saved in R2

System locks the un-planned Booking Line(s) in R2Labor, when the corresponding Labor is modified with either of the following changes and is being saved in R2.

  1. Dates assigned.

  2. RT/DT/OT values.

  3. Tasks assigned

  4. Resource type

Once the save operation is completed in R2, system unlocks the line(s) in R2Labor.

Also, all newly added lines from R2, will appear in R2Labor, only when the Order is reopened in Planning Order. This functionality works exactly same way, irrespective of whether the Split Labor Line by quantity is configurated as true or false.

If the lines are being viewed from Planning Order - R2Labor refreshes the page, upon completion of Saving/Deletion in R2. While in case of Whiteboard and Graphical Scheduling, the refresh has to be done manually.


Pre-emptive locking of a un-planned Booking Line(s) in R2Labor, while it has been deleted from R2

System will not allow changes to any un-planned Booking Line(s) in R2Labor, when the corresponding Labor Line(s) is deleted from R2.

When an un-planned Labor line is deleted from R2 and Order is saved, but the Planning Order is open in R2Labor - the specific line also gets deleted from R2Labor automatically, as soon as the Save Operation is completed in R2. No notification is displayed.

When a Labor is being modified in R2Labor but 'changes are not yet saved', and the same is deleted from R2, and the Order in saved in R2 - A notification is displayed in CT Column of Planning Order, mentioning that specific line has been deleted in R2. And the specific Labor Line, appears as striked out in R2Labor.

Figure 2.0: Labor Line delete notification as viewed from Planning Order

When a un-planned Booking Line deleted from R2Labor and saved, but Planning Order is kept open, Now if you open the Order in R2 > Click Labor Planning button (thunder bolt icon), the deleted line is displayed in 'Red' with a comment mentioning - 'Position is deleted in planning'. Here you can select the deleted line and synchronize the Lines in R2 Order.

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