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Content was last updated in 06.22.05-00

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  Communicate with the resources

 Communication is the Key for any business' success.

A free-flowing two-way communication is imperative to avoid any delays, misunderstandings, or loss-in-translation.

That's why we have built a communication channel within Labor itself.

Labor Planners can send communications to multiple crews about their availability, skills, billing-rates, reference documents. etc.

Similarly, the crew can respond with their answers, questions and clarifications.

The crew can access the incoming messages either through the registered e-mail or Labor application.

Figure 1.0: Communicate window

  1. Sort by: To sort the results in both ascending/ descending order.

  2. Filter: To search a specific record based on the various filter criterion.

  3. Resource list: Displays the resources list assigned on the selected Order.

  4. Availability request: Send the request to check the resource availability. more..

  5. Message: Send a message to the resource on their availability on the specific dates. more...

  6. Communicate request: Send the request to confirm the resource availability. more..



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