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Asset Update

As the window name says, you can update the asset details through this window.

Figure 1.0: Asset update window

  1. Enter Asset ID/Serial Number: Provide the asset ID/ serial number for which you want to update the details.

  2. Scan: Scans the barcode of the asset id/serial number using the device camera.  How to scan?

  3. Enter RF number: Provide the RF number.

  4. Enter Bin: Provide the bin number to update against the asset.

  5. Clear Bin: Clears the existing bin number.

  6. Scan Bin: Scans the barcode of the bin number using device camera. In this case, the device's camera reads the bins' barcode. How to scan?

  7. Enter Shelf: Provide the shelf number to update against the asset.

  8. Clear Shelf: Clears the existing shelf number.

  9. Scan Shelf: Scans the barcode of the shelf number using device camera. In this case, the device's camera reads the shelf barcode. How to scan?

  10. Clear all: Clears all the details you keyed in the Asset update window.

  11. Submit: Updates the details of the asset.

Sample Workflow

Pre requisites

  1. Select the Maintenance module.

  2. Create an Item [ONEPLUS] and receive 1 Assets as [PLUS#1] in Figure 2.0.

  3. Save and exit the Maintenance module.


  1. Login to Asset Manager app.

  2. Tap the Asset Update button.

Figure 2.1: Asset Update window in the Asset Manager


  1. Enter the  ASSET ID > RF Number > Bin > Shelf.

Figure 2.2: Entering Asset details

  1. Click the Submit button.

  2. Click the to view generated batch log details.

Figure 2.3: Batch details window

 Turn On the Show Failed Only toggle button to see the return fail

  1. Exit the Asset Manager App.

  2. Select the Maintenance module > search and edit the Item [ONEPLUS].

  3. In the Item Edit window > click the Assets button > The Asset ID gets updated as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Updated Asset ID

  1. Select the Asset ID [PLUS#1] > click the Edit button.

  2. In the Asset window > Shelf and Bin details are updated.

Figure 2.5: Asset window

When we enter the Asset ID which is already having Bin Number and Shelf, then the App automatically populate the already existing Bin Number and Shelf.

Figure 2.6: Asset with existing bin and shelf


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