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Batch log history

The Batch log holds the history of all the batches that were processed with the Warehouse operations.

You can filter the history of the warehouse operations for a wide range of dates and also further drill down for a particular asset ID/ Order/based on the warehouse operation status. You can filter the records by applying any type of filter combinations.

You have the option to sort this list on 4 fields - Batch ID, Count, Action, and Date.

Also, there are a set of filters, applying which you can segregate the list of batches which is displayed from filters window.


Filters window

Figure 1.0: Filters window


  1. Num Days Old:  Filters all the records based on the specified no. of days entered to till date.

  2. Specific date: Filters the records only for the specified date.

You can filter the batch log records by applying either one of the option (Num day old or specified date). You will see a check mark indicating which filed is selecting for filtering.

  1. Asset ID: Further filters the records only for the provided Asset ID. All the warehouse operation processed against the asset id records is fetched.

  2. Order ID: Further filters the records only for the provided Order ID. All the warehouse operation processed against the Order is fetched.

  3. Statuses: Enable the required flags to filter the records. Based on the enabled flags, the records are fetched. Or else, to apply all the statuses, enable All status flag.

  4. Actions: Enable the required flags to filter the records. Based on the enabled flags, the records are fetched. Or else, to apply all the action, enable All actions flag.

  5. Bin: Filters the records based on the bin no. updated for the assets.

  6. Shelf: Filters the records based on the shelf no. updated for the assets.

  7. Location: Filters the records based on the location updated for the assets.

  8. Reset: Clears the applied filters.


How to filter the records?

The sample flow shows to filter the records for a specific asset ID processed with warehouse operation from past 30 days.

  1. Tap Batch log icon.

Figure 1.1: Batch log icon


  1. Tap the filter button.

  2. Specify the no. of days.

Figure 1.2: Filters applied


  1. If you want to filter with only one parameter, then click apply and the result will be fetched as shown here.

  2. To filter specifically for an asset, then provide the asset id as well.

Figure 1.4: Filtered records for an asset


  1. The results fetches the warehouse operations processed for the specified asset.

Figure 1.5: Results based on Asset parameter

Similarly, you can select any of the filter parameter as per your need.

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