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Location Update

During normal course of the business, the Asset Manager needs to update the locations for the assets that are on different job location.

In such scenario, at times they would also want to update the shelf and bin of list of assets that are scanned. Thus, having the functionality to update shelf and bin through the same page (from where location is being updated) is a big time saver option.

From a user's perspective, this reduces the additional effort and time to switch between the screen to update location and also bin and shelf.

Figure 1.0: Location update window

  1. Enter the Location: To provide the location of the asset.

  • If there is an existing value in the Location field, it cannot be cleared. You can either chose to leave the value as it is, or update it.

  • However, while updating the Location, you can either choose to update Bin and Shelf or leave them blank.

  1. Scan: Scans the barcode of the location using the device camera. In this case, the device's camera reads the warehouse location barcode.  How to scan?

  2. Enter Bin: To provide the bin number where the asset need to be placed.

  3. Clear Bin**: Clear the existing bin value.

  4. Scan Bin: Scans the barcode of the bin number using device camera. In this case, the device's camera reads the bins' barcode. How to scan?

  5. Enter Shelf: To provide the shelf  number where the asset need to be placed.

  6. Clear Shelf**: Clears the existing shelf value.

  7. Scan Shelf: Scans the barcode of the shelf number using device camera. In this case, the device's camera reads the shelf' barcode. How to scan?

  8. RF/ Scan Assets/ Enter Asset ID: Use either of the following means to provide the Asset's ID to update the location details.

    1. RF - Asset has a RF tag/sticker which is read by the RFID machine kept in the warehouse.

      1. To scan the RF, the RFID should be configured to read the Asset ID and then relay it to the app. know more?

    2. Barcode - Scan the barcode of the asset using a hand-held scanner device.

    3. Asset ID - Manually enter the Asset ID.

      1. You  can update the location details for multiple assets at a time.

  9. Scan RF: Scans the RFID source.

  10. Scan Assets: Scans the asset using the device camera to read the assets' barcode. How to scan?

  11. Assets selected count: Displays the total count of the assets selected to update the location.

  12. Asset List: Displays the asset list that are selected to return operation as shown below.

    1. To remove the assets from the list, tap on the asset id, you will see check mark displayed for the line.

    2. Tap Remove icon in the top of window.

Figure 1.2: Asset list window

  1. Clear: Clears the selected assets in bulk which are supposed to update.

  2. Clear all: Clears all the details like Order number and Asset ID that you entered to update the location.

  3. Submit: Updates the location for the selected assets.

    1. **If the clear bin/clear shelf toggle button is On, then you cannot enter the bin/shelf value, nor you can scan the bin/shelf number.

Sample Workflow

Pre requisites

  1. Select the Maintenance module.

  2. Create an Item [ONEPLUS] and receive 1 Assets as [RF#1].

  3. Save and exit the Maintenance module.

Sample Workflow

  1. Login to Asset Manager app.

  2. Tap the Loc Update button.

Figure 2.0: Location Update window

  1. Enter the Location, Bin Number, and Shelf Number for the concerned Asset ID.

    • The list of assets scanned into Location Update page > Asset List, gets updated with the Location, Bin and Shelf values as per what is chosen in app back in R2.

    • The result of the batch update action can be viewed by clicking the Batch Details icon.

Figure 2.1: Entering Asset details

  1. Click the Submit button.

  2. Click the  to view generated batch log details.

Figure 2.2: Batch details window

Turn On the Show Failed Only toggle button to see the return failed log details.

  1. Exit the Asset Manager App.

  2. Select the Maintenance module > search and edit the Item [ONEPLUS].

  3. In the Item Edit window > click the Assets button > select the Asset ID [RF#1] > click the Edit button.

  4. In the Asset window > Location, Bin Number, and Shelf Number details gets updated under the Location section.

Figure 2.3: Assets window


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