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(06.24.01-00) Configuration


This module system helps administrators determine the universal settings for different functional modules of R2 like Account, Maintenance, Warehouse, Invoicing, Service, Physical Inventory etc.


Configuration modules determine:

  • The Default Values for different functional fields in R2.

  • The functional characteristics of the features present in R2, i.e. based on such settings, the features in R2 behave in different ways.

  • The basic settings required for a particular feature to work.


In general it can be stated that the settings in configuration helps to customize different features in R2 as per the Customers business needs. These settings are basically done after understanding the Customers Business and before they start using R2.


Settings defined in Configuration module can be later modified through other modules as Site specific and User specific. However, some settings defined in Configuration cannot be overridden through any other module except Configuration module.


Certain Default Values and Settings can also be defined in Defaults module, will be user specific.

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