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(06.24.01-00) Creating a Purchase Order

Content was last updated in 06.23.05-00

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Re-structured PO Approval Policy.

In R2 there are multiple ways to create a PO. Also, from a workflow perspective editing an existing PO (with status as Open, Approved, Rejected) is considered as creating a New PO.

Let's first get to know the steps involved in creating a fresh PO (entirely New PO) directly.

Method 1: Creating a new purchase order.

Go to Account > View and select Purchase Orders, to open the PO Search window. Now, click on the Purchase order icon

 Image 1.0 Creating a Purchase Order

This will open the new Purchase Order window.

 Image 1.1 Purchase Order window

Now, let's create a PO from within an existing Order. Here R2 allows you the option to create a New PO or Edit/Modify an existing PO.

Method 2: Create a Purchase Order from within an existing Order:

Let's say, there is an order on which one of the Item Line, status is 'Not available'.

Image 1.2 Item line in PO

 Now, to process the order successfully , this item needs to be procured from some alternative source.

If you right-click on this 'Not Available' status, and choose the option 'Assign', you are presented with the following window.

Image 1.3 Select Purchase Option

Select the Purchase option and select OK. Then in the next dialog box, select one of the Assign modes and click OK.

 Image 1.4 User Assign

Though, either way the selected Assign Mode will not affect the overall flow of creation of a PO.

In both the cases, R2 will present you with the following prompt.

 Image 1.5 Use Existing Purchase Order

Depending on whether you want to proceed with a New or Existing Purchase Order, Select the relevant option. and click OK.

Use an existing Purchase Order
A window listing all the existing Purchase orders is displayed.

Select one of the listed and it will open, with all the previously filled details, which you can modify as per your requirement.

Create new Purchase Order

Since you have chosen to create a new Purchase Order, you would need to choose any supplier

For which you can either pick a vendor from the list or search for a specific vendor using the search box.

Once you have completed the above steps, a New Purchase Order window is displayed.

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