(06.24.01-00) E-mail Notifications
Content was last updated in 06.23.05-00
Here we summarize the various e-mail notifications that the stakeholders will receive during the entire PO approval process.
1. When a PO is released/submitted for approval?
An e-mail sent to all approvers till mandatory level

2. When PO is approved by one of the levels?
An e-mail is sent to owner of the PO

An e-mail sent to next level of approvers till mandatory. Same as #1.
3. When the PO is fully approved?
An e-mail is sent to owner of the PO

4. When the PO is rejected?
An e-mail to owner of the PO

5. When the approver has a delegate defined?
Delegated approver receives the notification e-mail.
An consolidated e-mail listing all pending POs to the delegate as soon as the delegation is defined.

E-mail notifications will work only if you have subscribed to BI module and have all the rules appropriate setup.
If your E-mail notifications are not working or you haven't subscribed to the BI module, please contact your respective UBS PM for more assistance.