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Content was last updated in 06.22.09-00

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Refurbished the content for Employee in Maintenance Module

The Employee option in Maintenance window allows you to:

  1. Create New Employee

  2. Edit employee information.

  3. To set access privileges and access levels for an employee.

  4. To assigned delegates to the employee

Figure 1.0: Employee Information window

Create New Employee

  1. Go to Maintenance > Maintenance Window > Employee Tab (Vertical tab panel) and (Horizontal tab panel)..

Figure 1.1: Employee tab in Maintenance window

The Employee > Employee tab in the Maintenance Window, lists all the employee created in grid

Table 1.0: Employee Grid Field Information

Column Name


User Name

Username or Login name created for the employee.

First Name

First Name of the employee whose profile was created

Middle Name

First Name of the employee whose profile was created

Last Name

First Name of the employee whose profile was created

Home Phone

Direct contact number for the employee whose profile was created


Social Security Number or some other Unique ID Serial Number for the employee whose profile was created.

  1. Select File > New from the menu bar or Click the New icon . The Employee dialog appears.

Figure 1.2: Employee Information window

Table 1.1: Employee Profile Field Information

Column Name


User Name

Username or Login name created for the employee.

First Name

First Name of the employee whose profile was created

Middle Name

First Name of the employee whose profile was created

Last Name

First Name of the employee whose profile was created

New Password

Give the user a password, which will be used to login

Confirm Password

Confirm the given password.


Select the employee's home site.


Social Security Number or some other Unique ID Serial Number for the employee whose profile was created.


Select the employee's manager.


Select the department to which the selected employee belongs to


Select the security category.

Security Level

The security level field can be used to select the level of security for the employee, by which restrictions can be applied for the employee for accessing R2 modules. This field determines the employee's access level. Choose from the following:

  • Administration: Employee can access all program modules and functions.

  • Sales: Employee can access only Warehouse and Maintenance modules.

  • Warehouse: Employee can access only Maintenance and Account modules

  • Sales & Warehouse: Employee can access only Maintenance Module.

  • Billing: Employee can access only Invoice module

  • Sales and Billing: Employee access only Invoice and Account  modules

  • Labor Planning: Employee access only Labor Planning module

  • LP & Sales: Employee access only Labor Planning and Account modules

  • LP & Warehouse: Employee access only Labor Planning and Warehouse modules

  • LP,Sales & Warehouse: Employee access only Labor Planning, Account and Warehouse modules

Default ID

Default ID refers to the Defaults Group Settings used to select default values supplied by R2. To know more about 'Defaults'

Profit Center

Select the Profit Center to which the employee is tagged.

Discount ID

Select the Discount ID, so accordingly the Discount %age is applied to all the transactions created by the employee.


Select the primary language the employee is going to be working in.

Is Resource Also

Select this checkbox if you want keep this employee's profile as a resource as well.


Select this checkbox if you want to turn this employee's profile active.


Select this checkbox if you want to turn this employee's profile locked.

Change Password

Select this checkbox if you expect the user to change their password after their first login.

E-mail ID

E-mail ID of the employee  whose profile was created.

This is also the E-mail ID used to configure Mail Accounts in CRM and Labor. If the Email iD is not configured the setup will not be possible.

Display As

An Alias created for the employee  whose profile was created.

Home Phone

Direct contact number for the employee whose profile was created.


Facsimile number for the employee whose profile was created.

Date Format

Define the date format you want to assign with all records related to this employee.

Date Separator

Define the date separator you want the date format to use.

Time Format

Select the time format in AM/PM or 24-Hour format.


Add planner or other profile positions for this employee.


Fill the mandatory fields (marked in Blue)

  1. Enter a User Name for the employee.

  2. Enter the employee's First Name.

  3. Select the Site(s) which the employee can access.

  1. Here, you can select a site(s) which the employee will be able to access. The site selected as the current site will appear as the default Site for the employee while logging-in to R2 application. The same will be displayed as the default site for any type of orders the employee creates.

  1. To select a Site, click on the importable button present in the Site field. The Sites dialog will appear, listing all site records. Double-click on the site(s) to make a selection. Click on Ok button, to close the Sites dialog and tag selected site(s) in the Site field.


Fill the optional fields (marked in Black)

Though rest of the fields are marked as optional, some of them have technical implications.

For example:

  • Security Level defines the access level the employee would have.

  • Unless, 'Is A Resource' is checked out, the employee cannot be added as a Labor in the Labor Planning Module.

  • Unless, 'Active' is checked out, the employee cannot access their login.

  • Unless, an E-mail ID is mentioned the employee won't be able to receive several important communication and notifications.

  • Unless, a  Position is defined for the employee, they won't be able to perform certain tasks, as most tasks are bound to a specific Position.


Once you have added all the required field, click the 'Ok' button. This will close the Employee dialog and returns you to the Employee window.

The newly employee record is now displayed at the bottom of the employee listing.

 User Name will be the login name for the employee for logging in to the R2 system. 

Edit an existing employee

  1. Go to Maintenance > Maintenance Window > Employee Tab (Vertical tab panel) and (Horizontal tab panel)..

  2. Search for the employee using the 'User Name' or 'First Name' or any of the other fields in the search list.

  3. Once the searched record is listed in the grid, Double-click to open the  Employee dialog box.

  4. Edit the 'Employee information' being displayed.

  1. You can edit the Employees basic information, their Authorization details, and/or their Delegation details.

  2. Click on the OK button when you have finished editing.

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