(06.24.01-00) Purchase Order: Change History
Content was last updated in 06.23.07-00
In Purchase Order, the user can view the Purchase Order History which will display Header Level and Line Level History using the feature Purchase Order History, which can accessed by selecting the Purchase Order History Icon (as shown below ) from within the PO window.
On Clicking the Purchase Order History icon, R2 will display the PO History dialog box with the header level change history ( as shown below)
The Action column will display the field in which the changes have been made.
The Change column will display the value before making changes to the corresponding field
The Who column will display the name of the employee who has made the changes
The When column will display the date and time on which the changes have been made
You can also search the change history for a purchase order using the fields Action, Who and When.
The header level change history for Purchase Order will be updated based on the changes in the following fields :
Purchase Order | Field |
Information Tab | Site |
Contact | |
Approved Status | |
Req. Date | |
Project # | |
Shipping Tab | Contact |
Ship To | |
Shipping Method | |
Drop Ship (Check Box) | |
Pick-Up (Check Box) | |
Tracking No. | |
Sub Rental Tab | Receive From Vendor |
Deliver to Show Site | |
Pick-Up from Show Site | |
Return to Vendor | |
Managed By | |
Sub Total Tab | Profit Center |
Tax Region | |
Terms | |
Discount(%) | |
| Approved By |
| Released By |
To View Line Level Change History for Purchase Order
In Purchase Order history dialog box, click on the Line History icon to display Change History dialog box ( as shown below) which will display Line level change history .
The Purchase Order Line Level columns will be displayed along with the columns Action , Employee and Modified Date.
The Action column will display the type of action performed for the line.
The Modified Date column will display the date and time on which the changes has been made.
The Employee column will display the name of the employee who has made the changes
The column values for each action will display the modified value for the line.
The line level change history for Purchase Order will be updated based on the changes in the following fields:
Field |
Vendor SKU |
GL code |
Duration |
Unit |
Qty |
Rec.Qty |
Approved Qty |
Price |
Discount(%) |
Req.Date |
Bill to Contract |