(06.24.01-00) Purchase Order Grid
Content was last updated in 06.23.07-00
The Purchase Order Grid has the following fields.

Image 1.0 Purchase Order grid
Table 1.0 Purchase Order grid fields
Field name | Description |
Product ID | Product ID of an order Item |
Vendor SKU | Delivery partner |
GL Code | General Ledger code |
Description | Description of the item |
Duration | Order duration |
Quantity | Quantity of an Item in the order |
Unit | Count of Items measured in units |
Unit Price | Purchase cost of each individual or measured unit of item |
Discount | Discount availed for an Item |
Amount | Amount of Item |
Rec |
Aprv Amount | Approved amount by approver |
Vouc Amount | Voucher amount |
Required Date | Item required date |
Bill To | Bill to Vendor of an Item |
Returned to Vendor | Item returned to Vendor |
Returned on Order | Item returned on Order |
Department | Department from which Item is procured |
Tax Group | Tax group of an Item |
Profit Margin | The profit margin of the Item |
Report Group ID | ID of the 'Report Group' assigned to the product for which purchase is requested.
Event ID | ID of the 'Event' tagged to the Order, for which the item are/were being procured. |
Shipping Location Name | Name of the physical location to where the items must be upon Purchase |
All these columns will be available for all types of Purchase Orders.
These fields will auto-refreshed at every change for respective PO line.