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(06.24.01-00) Purchase Order Grid

Content was last updated in 06.23.07-00

Revision History

  Version No.

  Reference No.




  Content relevant to Purchase Order added as sub-topic.

The Purchase Order Grid has the following fields.

Image 1.0 Purchase Order grid


Table 1.0 Purchase Order grid fields

Field name


Product ID

Product ID of an order Item

Vendor SKU

Delivery partner

GL Code

General Ledger code


Description of the item


Order duration


Quantity of an Item in the order


Count of Items measured in units

Unit Price

Purchase cost of each individual or measured unit of item


Discount availed for an Item


Amount of Item



Aprv Amount

Approved amount by approver

Vouc Amount

Voucher amount

Required Date

Item required date

Bill To

Bill to Vendor of an Item

Returned to Vendor

Item returned to Vendor

Returned on Order

Item returned on Order


Department from which Item is procured

Tax Group

Tax group of an Item

Profit Margin

The profit margin of the Item

Report Group ID

ID of the  'Report Group' assigned to the product for which purchase is requested.

  1. Field appears in read only mode.

  2. 'Report Group' column will show the 'ID' of the Report Group tagged to the respective Inventory in their definition.

Event ID

ID of the 'Event' tagged to the Order, for which the item are/were being procured.

Shipping Location Name

Name of the physical location to where the items must be upon Purchase

 All these columns will be available for all types of Purchase Orders.

  • These fields will auto-refreshed at every change for respective PO line. 

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