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(06.24.01-00) Purchase Orders Tab (In Account Window)

Content was last updated in 06.23.07-00

Revision History

  Version No.

  Reference No.




  Content relevant to Purchase Order added as sub-topic.

Purchase Order tab displays the Purchase Order list for the selected vendor, with which you can track the status of the purchase order.

You can also open any of the listed Purchase Order by double-clicking on it.

Image 1.0 Purchase Orders tab


View By

  1. Vendor : if selected, R2 will display all the purchase orders created for the selected vendor.

  2. Contact : if selected, R2 will display the purchase order history based on the contract selected.

Purchase Order Tab Filter Options


Filter Option



Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'New' status for the selected vendor.

Pending Approval

Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Open' status for the selected vendor.


Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Open' status for the selected vendor.


Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Open' status for the selected vendor.


Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Open' status for the selected vendor.


Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Received' status for the selected vendor.


Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Void' status for the selected vendor.


Selecting this option will display all the purchase order which are in 'Closed' status for the selected vendor.


On selecting the required display option, click on the Refresh Icon to update the purchase order tab view.

Purchase Order Tab - Column Grid Information




Type field displays the Purchase Order type definition. Available definitions are Inventory, Sub-Rent, or Misc .


Displays the status of purchase order.

  • New         : Indicates that the purchase order is created and not released.

  • Open       : Indicates that the purchase order is released and is  ready for approval.

  • Void        : Indicates that purchase order is cancelled.

  • Closed     : Indicates that the Purchase Order is closed.

  • Received : Indicates that the Purchase Order is approved and the Items has been received and added to stock.

PO #

Displays the purchase order ID.


Displays the purchase order description.

Date Created

Displays the date on which the purchase order is created.

Order ID

If the purchase order is created for any order, then respective order id will be displayed. If purchase orders are created independent of any order, then the field will be blank.


If the purchase order is created for any order, then customer in the order will be reflected in this column.


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