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(06.24.01-00) Security

In R2, you have the option to set the security for various windows, buttons and fields and security can be of different types and levels. This is especially required as there are number of employees who will be accessing the same data through same or different windows and buttons.

The provision of setting various access levels for various windows, buttons and fields is available and thus preventing any unwarranted additions or editions being done in the data by unauthorized employees.

Security can be set at two levels:

  • As defined for an Employee in Maintenance as security levels, which prevent from accessing certain modules as a whole.

  • As defined in the Security module or security set at run time using F6 and F7 function keys for a security group, which prevent from accessing certain windows, buttons and fields within various allowed modules. This type of security applies to all the employees who belong to the security group for which it is defined.

The security level defined for an employee will always take precedence, that is, security set for a particular window will be applicable for an employee who has been given access to the window as per the security level set in the Employee edit window.

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