(06.24.01-00) Service
This module can act like a planner to the Servicing Department as it gives up to date information of the Assets and Items that are being serviced. Through this module user can create Service Work Orders (SWO), which intimates the users about the details of the Service that needs to be done and the Cost incurred.
Overview of Service Module
Enables easy and efficient follow-up methodology.
Allows user to create SWO for the Serial items / Non-serial items owned by the Rental Company.
You can also create a SWO for any Serial Assets/ Non-Serial Items owned by a Client.
Helps user in checking the Asset with Need Service Status and enables the user to create SWO for the same.
Intimates users about the status of the SWO, Assets that needs to be serviced and assets /non-serial items which are being serviced.
Intimates users about the Cost incurred for Servicing Assets / Non-serial items.
Helps in automated scheduling of Maintenance and Servicing of Assets.
User can check the Service History of Items/Assets.
All the SWOs that exist in the system can be searched, viewed, accessed and edited from Service Module.
Without holding the items availability, if user wants to update Service History of the item, it can be done through Quick Service.
Assets can be put on Needs Service Status from different locations in R2 like, when returning items, through Item Edit window etc.