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Default Project UDF values to Event UDFs

Reference No: R2-16370

Version No: 06.01.10-00


Currently when a Project is tagged to any Event, the system prompts before syncing the data between the two.

Now the system will also default the UDF values from Project to Event UDFs.

However, this will happen 'Only If' the UDFs between the Projets and Event have matching captions and data type.

Also, when a Project is tagged to an Event, system overwrites any existing Event UDF values, as per the following rule:


Table 1.0: Behavior of Event UDF when Event is tagged to a Project

Project UDF Value

Event UDF Value (Before Tagging)

Event UDF Value (After Tagging)

Value Filled-in


Copies value from Project



Field remains blank

Value filled-in

Value filled-in

Replaced by value from Project


Value filled-in

Over-writes to blank


For this feature to work, both the Project and Event must have a set of UDFs with matching captions and data type.

Also, the UDF captions are case-sensitive, and system takes this into consideration while matching them before syncing.

Sample Workflow

  1. Create/Open a Project. Assign some values to its values to it. (If UDFs don't exist, you can create them and add values).

Figure 1.0: Project Search window showing UDFs for Project [ID1501721177]

  1. Create an Event and assign some UDFs to it with blank values. Let some of the UDFs be same as the one in the Project.

Figure 2.0: Event [ID1501778889] showing UDFs values (before it is tagged to a project)

  1. Tag the Project to the Event.

  2. Here the system will ask for a confirmation to default the values from Project to Event.

Figure 3.0: Confirmation Prompt while defaulting values Project to Event

  1. After confirming the prompt, system defaults the UDF values (along with other relevant fields) from Project to the Event, as shown below.

Figure 4.0: Event [ID1501778889] tagged to Project [ID1501721177] showing UDFs with Synced values



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