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Support for Asset Time Utilization Report and Asset Revenue Utilization Report

Reference No: 29016


Option is provided to generate the Asset Time Utilization report and the Asset Revenue Utilization report from the Reports module.

The statistics scheduler program runs based on Non Chargeable Days settings in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab. Selecting the Non Chargeable Days check box [Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] or [Saturday] allows you to exclude the selected days while calculating the Rental Days, Maintenance Days, Transit Days, and Dark Days.

Asset Time Utilization Report

Sample Workflow


Perform the following the steps:

  1. Select the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab.

  2. Select the Non Chargeable Days [Sunday] and [Saturday] check boxes, as shown in Figure 1.0.
    The Non Chargeable Days section in the Configuration module allows you to exclude the selected days of the week while calculating the Rental Days, Maintenance Days, Transit Days, and Dark Days.

Figure1.0 Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab > Non Chargeable Days section


  1. Save and Exit the Configuration module.

  2. Close and relaunch the R2 application.

  3. Select the Maintenance module.

  4. Create a Serial Item [PHOTOSHOP] and receive some Assets.

  5. Select the Statistics check box and tag the Department [DOC], as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure1.1 Statistics check box selected in the Serial Item [PHOTOSHOP]


  1. Click OK.

  2. Save and Exit the Maintenance module.

Scenario 1: Dark Days, Transit Days, Rental Days and Combined Total

  1. Select the Account module > tag the company [ADOBE].

  2. Create a Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304] for the duration of 30 days with the Start Date [01-May-2017] and End Date [31-May-2017].

  3. Add the Serial Item [PHOTOSHOP] with the Unit Price [100.00] and Qty [1], as shown in Figure 2.0.

Figure2.0 Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304]


  1. Select the Payment tab > select the Pay At drop-down as Periodic Billing.

  2. Click the Billing Terms importable button and select the Billing Terms as Monthly.

  3. Add Dark Days as [10-May-2017 09:00 AM] to [25-May-2017 09:00 AM] with % of Amount as 100.00, as shown in Figure 2.1.

  4. The Order Dates are defined, as shown in Table 1.0.

Table 1.0 Order Dates


Date and Time

Prep Date

01-May-2017 09:00 AM

Ship Date

02-May-2017 09:00 AM

Pickup Date

29-May-2017 09:00 AM

Return Date

30-May-2017 09:00 AM

Figure2.1 Order Dates window - Dark Days


  1. Click OK.

  2. Select the Actions menu > Change Dates option > Selected Lines and apply the Dark Days to the Item line.

  3. Click the Fill and Ship All icon to Fill and Ship the Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304].

  4. The Serial Item [PHOTOSHOP] Status is displayed as Out, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure2.2 Filled and Shipped Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304]


  1. Select the View menu > Return Order option. The Return Order [ORD-304 Return Order] window is displayed.

  2. Select the Asset [PHOTOSHOP-01] and click the Return button. The Asset [PHOTOSHOP-01] Status is displayed as Returned, as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure2.3 Asset [PHOTOSHOP-01] in Returned Status


  1. Click the Close button to close the Return Order [ORD-304 Return Order] window.

  2. Select the Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304].

  3. Click the Done icon and Invoice the Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304]. The Invoice gets generated, as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure2.4 Rental Reservation Order [ORD-304] > Done icon > Invoice Generated


  1. Click OK. The system prompts a message whether it has to be printed or not. Click No.

  2. Select the Invoicing module > Receivables tab.

  3. Create a Receivables Batch [ID386472], as shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure2.5 Invoice Batch [ID386472]


  1. Exit the Invoice Batch [ID386472] window.

  2. Select the Invoicing window > Actions menu > Post Batch option. The Post Batch dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure2.6 Post Batch


  1. Click OK and post the Batch [ID386472] in Great Plains format.

  2. Exit the Invoicing window.

  3. Execute the below Transfer Statistics program or run the Windows Task Scheduler.

exec TransferStatsData.TransferEmployee(0);


exec TransferStatsData.TransferSite(0);


exec TransferStatsData.TransferRevenue(sysdate);


  1. Select the Reports module. The Reports Generator window is displayed. A new option Utilization is included to generate the Asset Time Utilization report and Asset Revenue Utilization report, as shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure2.7 Reports Generator window > Utilization menu > Asset Time Utilization and Asset Revenue Utilization


  1. Select the Utilization menu > Asset Time Utilization option. The Asset Time Utilization window is displayed, as shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure2.8 Asset Time Utilization window


  1. The Asset Time Utilization window displays the following field options:

Table 1.0 Details of the Asset Time Utilization



All Sites / Site / Sub-Region / Region

Select the drop-down to tag any one of the All Sites / Site / Sub-Region / Region based on which the Asset Time Utilization report needed to be generated.

Click the importable button, the Group List window is displayed.

Select the Site [San Francisco]. The Site selected here will be the one displayed in the Site field of the Asset Time Utilization window.

Utilization Type

Select the Utilization Type drop-down as any one of the following options:

Rental Days

Select the Rental Days option to generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the rented duration of the selected Invoiced Product or an Asset.

Maintenance Days

Select the Maintenance Days option to generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the number of days for which the Asset was in service.

This is calculated as the number of days between the Scheduled Date and the End Date on the Completed Work Orders created for the Asset.

Transit Days

Select the Transit Days option to generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the days between Prep Date and Ship Date, Pickup Date and Return Date in the Invoice Line Duration of the selected Asset.

Dark Days

Select the Dark Days option to generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the Dark Days falling in the Invoice line duration of the selected Asset in the selected Month.

Combined Total

Select the Combined Total to generate a sum-up of the other Utilization Types such as Rental Days, Maintenance Days, Transit Days, and Dark Days as the Asset Time Utilization report.

Department ID

Select the Department ID importable button. The Department Group List window is displayed. Tag a particular Department ID for which you want to view the Asset Time Utilization report.
NOTE: You can either select a Department ID or a Product ID.  If you select a Product ID followed by the Department ID, the Department ID is considered, and Product ID is ignored and vice versa.
If the Site level Department in the All Site Details of the Item Edit window is tagged, the Product and Asset is selected from the Site level. If the Site level Department in All Site Details of the Item Edit window is not selected, then the Product and Asset is selected from the Product level.

Product ID

Select the Product ID importable button. The Search Items window is displayed.
Select the Product ID [PHOTOSHOP] to generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the selected Product.
NOTE: You can either select a Department ID or a Product ID. If you select a Department ID followed by the Product ID, the Product ID is considered, and the Department ID is ignored and vice versa.

Date Filter

From: Select the From month as May for which the Asset Time Utilization report has to be generated. Enter the Year as 2017 in the Year field.

To: Select the To month as May for which the Asset Time Utilization report has to be generated. Enter the Year as 2017 in the Year field.


Select the Path importable button to specify the path for the Asset Time Utilization report being generated.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday in the Invoice line duration from the Dark Days based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab.
Credit Memo / Debit Memo will not impact the Dark Days.

Dark Days
  1. Generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the Utilization Type [Dark Days].

  2. Enter the details in the Asset Time Utilization window, as shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure2.9 Details of the Asset Time Utilization window - Dark Days


  1. Click the Run button. The AssetTimeUtilizationDarkDays.csv is generated in the selected path [D:\PRINTS\REPORTS], as shown in Figure 2.10.

Figure2.10 AssetTimeUtilizationDarkDays.csv generated in the path mentioned


  1. Open the AssetTimeUtilizationDarkDays.csv generated for Dark Days, as shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure2.11 AssetTimeUtilizationDarkDays.csv Dark Days Details


  1. From the above report, the Dark Days is calculated as follows:

  • The defined Dark Days defined is from 10-May-2017 09:00 AM and 25-May-2017 09:00 AM = 16 days.

  • The Non Chargeable Days defined in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab are Saturday and Sunday = 4 days

  • The Dark Days is defined as  = 16 days - 04 days = 12 days.

Transit Days
  1. Generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the Utilization Type [Transit Days].

  2. Enter the details in the Asset Time Utilization window, as shown in Figure 2.12.

Figure2.12 Details of the Asset Time Utilization window - Transit Days


  1. Click the Run button. The AssetTimeUtilizationTransitDays.csv is generated in the selected path [D:\PRINTS\REPORTS], as shown in Figure 2.13.

Figure2.13 AssetTimeUtilizationTransitDays.csv generated in the path mentioned


  1. Open the AssetTimeUtilizationTransitDays.csv generated for Transit Days, as shown in Figure 2.14.

Figure2.14 AssetTimeUtilizationTransitDays.csv Transit Days Details


  1. From the above report, the Transit Days is calculated as follows

  • The difference between the Order line Prep Date [01-May-2017 09:00 AM] and the Ship Date [02-May-2017 09:00 AM] is 01 days.

  • The difference between the Order line Pickup Date [29-May-2017 09:00 AM] and the Return Date [30-May-2017 09:00 AM] is 01 days.

  • The Transit Days are defined as 01 days + 01 days = 02 days.

Rental Days
  1. Generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the Utilization Type [Rental Days].

  2. Enter the details in the Asset Time Utilization window, as shown in Figure 2.15.

Figure2.15 Details of the Asset Time Utilization window - Rental Days

  1. Click the Run button. The AssetTimeUtilizationRentalDays.csv is generated in the selected path [D:\PRINTS\REPORTS], as shown in Figure 2.16.

Figure2.16 AssetTimeUtilizationRentalDays.csv generated in the path mentioned


  1. Open the AssetTimeUtilizationRentalDays.csv generated for Rental Days, as shown in Figure 2.17.

Figure2.17 AssetTimeUtilizationRentalDays.csv Rental Days Details


  1. From the above report, the Rental Days is calculated as follows

  • Total number of product rental days = 30 days with the Start Date [01-May-2017] and End Date [31-May-2017].

  • The Non Chargeable Days defined in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab are Saturday and Sunday = 08 days

  • The Rental Days is defined as 30 days - 08 days = 22 days.

Combined Total
  1. Generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the Utilization Type [Combined Total].

  2. Enter the details in the Asset Time Utilization window, as shown in Figure 2.18.

Figure2.18 Details of the Asset Time Utilization window - Combined Total


  1. Click the Run button. The AssetTimeUtilizationCombinedTotal.csv is generated in the selected path [D:\PRINTS\REPORTS], as shown in Figure 2.19.

Figure2.19 AssetTimeUtilizationCombinedTotal.csv generated in the path mentioned


  1. Open the AssetTimeUtilizationCombinedTotal.csv generated for Combined Total Days, as shown in Figure 2.20.

Figure2.20 AssetTimeUtilizationCombinedTotal.csv Combined Total Details


  1. From the above report, the Combined Total is calculated as follows

  • Total number of product rental days = 30 days with the Start Date [01-May-2017] and End Date [31-May-2017].

  • The Non Chargeable Days defined in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab are Saturday and Sunday = 08 days

  • The Combined Total is defined as 30 days - 08 days = 22 days.


The column details of the Asset Time Utilization report is as follows:

Table 2.0 Column Details of the Asset Time Utilization Report

Report Column Name



Displays the Asset ID.


Displays the Product ID.


Displays the Product Description.

Region Name

Displays the Region Name.

Site Name

Displays the Owned Site Name of the Asset.

Acquired Value

Displays the Asset Received Cost.

Acquired Date

Displays the Asset Received Date.

Disposal Date

Displays the Asset Disposal Date, if the Asset is retired.

LTD Revenue

Displays the Revenue of the Asset till date.

LTD Revenue Utilization

Displays the LTD Revenue Utilization %.

LTD Revenue Utilization % = LTD Revenue / Acquired Value.

LTD Days

Displays the LTD Total Rental Days till date.


NOTE: The Rental Days and Dark Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab.

LTD Days Utilization

Displays the LTD Days Utilization %.

LTD Days Utilization % = LTD Days / Calendar Days from Acquired Date to till date.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Period Revenue

Displays the Revenue collected in the reporting period  from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and Year.

Period Revenue Utilization

Displays the Period Revenue Utilization %.

Period Revenue Utilization % = Period Revenue / Acquired Value

Period Days

Displays the Rental Days / Maintenance Days / Transit Days / Dark Days from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and Year based on the Utilization Type (NOTE 2) filter.

For Example: If the Utilization Type is selected as Rental Days then Period Days will display as Total Rental Days.

If the Utilization Type filter is selected as Combined, the Period Days is the  Rental Days from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and Year.


NOTE 1: The Rental Days and Dark Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab.



  • If the Utilization Type is Rental Days then, it is the number of days between Invoice line Start Date and End Date.

  • If the Utilization Type is Maintenance Days then, it is number of days between the Scheduled Date and End Date of the completed Work Orders.

  • If the Utilization Type is Transit Days then, it is number of days between Prep Date and Ship Date, Pickup Date and Return Date in the Invoice Line Duration.

  • If the Utilization Type is Dark Days then, it is number of the Dark Days from Invoice line duration.

  • If  the Utilization Type is Combined Total then, it is same as Rental Days. That is, it is the number of days between Invoice line Start Date and End Date.

  • If the Utilization Type filter is selected as Combined Total,
    The Period Time Utilization % = Rental Days / (Calendar Days – (Maintenance Days + Transit Days + Dark Days) from Start Month and Year to End Month and Year)

  • If the Utilization Type filter is selected as Combined Total,
    The Monthly Time Utilization % = Rental Days / (Calendar Days – (Maintenance Days + Transit Days + Dark Days) in the month)


Period Time Utilization

Displays the Period Time Utilization %.

Period Time Utilization % = Period Days / Calendar Days from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and  Year.


If the Utilization Type filter is selected as Combined Total, the Period Time Utilization % is defined as follows:

Period Time Utilization % = Period Days / (Calendar Days – (Maintenance Days + Transit Days + Dark Days) from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and Year)


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Monthly Time Utilization :- Start Month

Time Utilization % calculation for every month between Start Month and Year to End Month and Year = Period Days in a month / Calendar Days in a month.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Monthly Time Utilization :- Start Month+1

Time Utilization % calculation for every month between Start Month and Year to End Month and Year = Period Days in a month / Calendar Days in a month.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Monthly Time Utilization :- Start Month+2

Time Utilization % calculation for every month between Start Month and  Year to End Month and Year = Period Days in a month / Calendar Days in a month.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Monthly Time Utilization :- End Month

Time Utilization % calculation for every month between Start Month and Year to End Month and Year = Period Days in a month / Calendar Days in a month.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.


Scenario 2: Maintenance Days

  1. Select the Account module > click the WorkOrder icon. The Service Work Order window is displayed.

  2. Create a Service Work Order [WO055].

  3. Modify the Status drop-down to Scheduled. The Set Date prompt is displayed. Select the Date [01-May-2017].

  4. Modify the Service Work Order [WO055] Dates as follows:

Table 1.0 Service Work Order Dates


Date and Time

Scheduled Date

01-May-2017 09:00 AM

End Date

31-May-2017 09:00 AM


  1. The system will prompt a dialog box with the message "This will Complete the Service. Do you want to proceed ?"

  2. Select Yes. The Service Work Order [WO055] Dates get modified.

  3. Click the Done icon to generate the Invoice. The Invoice [INV-081] is generated.

  4. Execute the below Transfer Statistics program or run the Windows Task Scheduler.

exec TransferStatsData.TransferEmployee(0);


exec TransferStatsData.TransferSite(0);


exec TransferStatsData.TransferRevenue(sysdate);


  1. Select the Reports module. The Reports Generator window is displayed.

  2. Select the Utilization menu > Asset Time Utilization option. The Asset Time Utilization window is displayed.

  3. Generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the Utilization Type [Maintenance Days].

  4. Enter the details in the Asset Time Utilization window, as shown in Figure 2.21.

Figure2.21 Asset Time Utilization for Maintenance Days


  1. Click the Run button. The AssetTimeUtilizationMaintenanceDays.csv is generated in the selected path [D:\PRINTS\REPORTS], as shown in Figure 2.22.

Figure2.22 AssetTimeUtilizationMaintenanceDays.csv generated in the path mentioned


  1. Open the AssetTimeUtilizationMaintenanceDays.csv generated for Maintenance Days, as shown in Figure 2.23.

Figure2.23 AssetTimeUtilizationMaintenanceDays.csv Maintenance Days Details


  1. From the above report, the Maintenance Days is calculated as follows:

  • The Maintenance Days is defined as 22 Days, which is the difference between the Service Work Order Start Date [01-May-2017 09:00 AM] and the End Date [31-May-2017 09:00 AM] that is 30 days subtracted with the Non Chargeable Days [8 days].

 Asset Revenue Utilization Report

  1. Repeat the Steps from 1 through 25.

  2. Select the Reports module > Utilization menu > Asset Time Utilization option, as show in Figure 3.0.

Figure3.0 Reports > Utilization > Asset Revenue Utilization


  1. The Asset Revenue Utilization window is displayed, as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure3.1 Asset Revenue Utilization window


  1. The Asset Time Utilization window displays the following field options:

Table 3.0 Details of the Asset Time Utilization



All Sites / Site / Sub-Region / Region

Select the drop-down to tag any one of the All Sites / Site / Sub-Region / Region based on which the Asset Time Utilization report needed to be generated.

Click the importable button, the Group List window is displayed.

Select the Site [San Francisco]. The region selected here will be the one displayed in the Site field of the Asset Time Utilization window.

Department ID

Select the Department ID importable button. The Department Group List window is displayed. Tag a particular Department ID for which you want to view the Asset Time Utilization report.
NOTE: You can either select a Department ID or a Product ID.  If you select a Product ID followed by the Department ID, the Department ID is considered, and Product ID is ignored and vice versa.

Product ID

Select the Product ID importable button. The Search Items window is displayed.
Select the Product ID [PHOTOSHOP] to generate the Asset Time Utilization report for the selected Product.
NOTE: You can either select a Department ID or a Product ID. If you select a Department ID followed by the Product ID, the Product ID is considered, and the Department ID is ignored and vice versa.
If the Site level Department in the All Site Details of the Item Edit window is tagged, the Product and Asset is selected from the Site level. If the Site level Department in All Site Details of the Item Edit window is not selected, then the Product and Asset is selected from the Product level.

Date Filter

From: Select the From month as May for which the Asset Time Utilization report has to be generated. Enter the Year as 2017 in the Year field.

To: Select the To month as May for which the Asset Time Utilization report has to be generated. Enter the Year as 2017 in the Year field.


Select the Path importable button to specify the path for the Asset Time Utilization report to be generated.


NOTE: The Billed Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday in the Invoice line duration based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab.
Credit Memo / Debit Memo will not impact the Dark Days.

  1. Click the Run button. The AssetRevenueUtilization.csv is generated in the selected path [D:\PRINTS\REPORTS], as shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure3.2 AssetRevenueUtilization.csv generated in the path mentioned


  1. Open the generated AssetRevenueUtilization.csv, as shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure3.4 AssetRevenueUtilization.csv Details


  1. From the above report, the Asset Revenue is calculated as 22 Days, which is the difference between the Order Start Date [01-May-2017 09:00 AM] and the End Date [31-May-2017 09:00 AM] that is, 30 days subtracted with the Non Chargeable Days [8 days].

  2. The column details of the Asset Revenue Utilization report is as follows:

Table 4.0 Column Details of the Asset Revenue Utilization Report

Report Column Name



Displays the Asset ID.


Displays the Product ID.


Displays the Product Description.

Region Name

Displays the Region Name.

Site Name

Displays the Owned Site Name of the Asset.

Acquired Value

Displays the Asset Received Cost.

Acquired Date

Displays the Asset Received Date.

Disposal Date

Displays the Asset Disposal Date, if the Asset is retired.

LTD Revenue

Displays the Revenue of the Asset till date.

LTD Revenue Utilization

Displays the LTD Revenue Utilization %.

LTD Revenue Utilization % = LTD Revenue / Acquired Value.

Period Revenue

Displays the Revenue collected in the reporting period  from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and Year.

Period Revenue Utilization

Displays the Period Revenue Utilization %.

Period Revenue Utilization % = Period Revenue / Acquired Value

Period Billed Days

Displays the No. of days billed from Start Month and Year to End Month and Year. The Rental Days and Billed Days are same in R2.


NOTE: The Billed Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Period Time Utilization

Displays the Period Time Utilization %.

Period Time Utilization % = Period Days / Calendar Days from the Start Month and Year to the End Month and  Year.


NOTE: The Calendar Days will exclude Saturday and Sunday based on the Non Chargeable Days selected in the Configuration module > Pricing / Billing tab and Retired Days in the month.

Monthly Revenue :- Start Month

Displays the revenue for Start Month.

Monthly Revenue :- Start Month+1

Displays the revenue for Start Month+1.

Monthly Revenue :- Start Month+2

Displays the revenue for Start Month +2.

Monthly Revenue  :- End Month

Displays the revenue for End Month.


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