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The Workflow a SWO follows through

Well, picture this - Can a pilot be assigned a flying duty when he or she is on medical leave? or Can a student appear in an examination, while being absent from the classroom? No !! Right !! We agree, both of these scenarios are hilarious to even comprehend. However, in practicality, the examples are a best possible analogies for similar situations in R2.

Technically speaking, if an item is in repair or under servicing, it should automatically becomes unavailable until QC has given clearance. And that's exactly what this feature is helping us do.

Through this functionality, once an Item. Asset or Kit is sent servicing will be deemed as unavailable, until the SWO it was added to, is closed. And simultaneously the overall quantity shown in the EUV (Equipment Usage View) will also be adjusted and shown accordingly.

This is applicable for both Serial and Non-serial type of Item. Asset, or Kit.

System considers the Equipment as Unavailable - Once the WO status is Scheduled or Open.

The tenure of Equipment's Unavailability lies between the SWO's Start Date and Due Date.

  • If Due date is not defined then system considers until the End Date.

If the SWO is Cancelled or once it is Closed, system marks the Equipment as available.

Basic Workflow for an SWO

The below sample workflow shows you the Service Work Order (SWO) created for an asset.

  1. Create a serial item and receive 10 stocks.

  1. Create a Service Work Order (SWO) for an asset.

  1. Only one asset can be added to a SWO at a time.

    • Initially the status of the SWO starts from Estimate.

    • When the SWO is in Estimate status,

    • Asset status will still be in IN and Asset Service status will be Normal.

    • In SWO, the dates are non-editable as shown below.

    • The asset can be reserved on the orders and will not impact the availability of the asset.

Figure 1.0: SWO created for Asset


  1. Change the SWO status from Estimate to Scheduled and set the Schedule Date.

    • In the availability window,

    • System locks the availability of the Asset added to the SWO from the Schedule Date to Eternity (see figure 1.2).

    • In the availability details window, the Repair count displays. Upon the clicking the repair quantity, you can view the SWO created against the asset.

    • In the 'Serial/ Qty' window, the Repair bar displays for eternity from SWO Schedule Date.

  • The Asset status displays as In  and Service Status of the asset updates as Pending Service.

  • In the EUV, the SWO bar is displayed for eternity as shown here.

  • Since the SWO is in Schedule status, the asset cannot be reserved on the orders (sample figure). The SWO which is in Schedule status impacts the availability of the asset.

Figure 1.1: SWO in schedule status


Figure 1.2: Availability window reducing the qty



  1. Assign a Mechanic to the SWO.

    • Unless a Mechanic is added, the SWO cannot progress to Open status.

  2. Now change the status to Open and 'Set Date' pop-up displays to set the Start Date of the SWO.

    • This is the stage where the assigned Mechanic works on the requested/reported repair.  

  3. After setting the Start Date, you can set the Due Date as well.

    • In the availability window,

    • System now modifies the unavailability of the asset from the SWO Start Date to Due Date (See Figure 1.4).

    • In the availability details window, Repair count displays. Upon the clicking the repair quantity, you can view the SWO created against the asset.

    • In the 'Serial/ Qty' window, the Repair bar displays based on SWO Start Date and Due Date

    • The asset service status will be updated as In Service and asset status updates as Repair.

    • Also in the EUV, the SWO bar is displayed for the SWO duration as shown here.

    • You cannot reserve the asset on the orders on the SWO duration and system shows 'Not available' status on the line (sample figure).

Figure 1.3: SWO in Open status


Figure 1.4: Availability window


  1. When and if the Servicing is done, change the status to Done.

'Set End Date' pop up is displays to set the End date of the SWO. Update the End Date of the SWO.

  1. In the availability window,

  2. This will lock the availability of the Asset between the Start and End Date of the SWO (See Figure 1.6)

  3. In the availability details window, the Repair count displays '0'.

  4. In the 'Serial/ Qty' window, the Repair  bar displays based on SWO Start Date and End Date.

  5. Asset status updates as IN  and service status changes to Normal.

  6. If required, you can proceed to Invoice the Service Work Order.

Figure 1.5: Done SWO


Figure 1.6: Availability window


Once the SWO is done,

  • You can add the item to the order apart from SWO duration and system lets you to reserve the item as shown here. Also, in the 'Item availability' window, system blocks the availability of the asset based on the Start and End date of the order and the reserved quantity displays in the availability details window.

If at step #5, Mechanic mentions that Servicing Cannot be done, you can proceed as per the following situations:

  • If the Asset is un-repairable, you can mark it as Damaged (Availability Status). Service Status for Asset will become IN.

  • If the required parts are unavailable, you can even temporarily Suspend the SWO.

  • Once the SWO is suspended, both the Availability and Service Status will marked as IN.

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