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Create calendar events or block the crew calendar

Support is enabled in R2Labor to create Calendar Events/block the Crew Calendar in the Crew (lower) section from the Graphical Scheduling (GS). The result of creating Calendar Events from GS is same as how it is when created through the Crew Calendar or Dashboard > My Calendar windows.

Figure 1.0: Calendar Event from the Crew Calendar window


  • Ensure the Order is created/existed in R2.

  • Add Labor Positions and add EWT for the order.

Sample Workflow#1: Add Crew Calendar Event

  1. In R2Labor, open the Order in Graphical Scheduling.

As per your convenience, change the Timeline’s zoom level using Zoom/Zoom to fit options. Crew Calendar blocking works in any level of Zoom level. 

  1. Click on empty space on the Timeline against a Resource in Crew Section at a particular Date & Time and drag until Date and Time to which you wish to block the calendar for the respective Crew and release the cursor. While dragging in the timeline, you can see From/To Date and Start Time/End Time in the popup guiding you on the From and To Date and Time for which you are trying to create the calendar event.

Figure 2.0: Select the time line against a resource

  1. Once the cursor is released,  a Calendar Event pop up dialog box is displayed. By default, this dialog box has the Start/End Date, Start/End Time, and Assignees information pre-filled based on the timeline selected by the user.

  • Start/End Date: Start/End Date displays automatically based on the selection you did in the Time line.

  • Start/End Time: The Start Time/End Time populates based on the Zoom level that you have set. The last 6 level of Zoom In shows the Time for the event. If you use any other Zoom level to block the calendar, by default system shows Start and End time as 12:00 AM.

  • Assignees: By default, the Resource against which Calendar Event is created will be populated. However, it allows to select more Resources from drop down.

Figure 2.1: Calendar Event Pop-up displays

  1. Enter the remaining details.

  • Event Description: Select the Event Name from drop down. Free Form text is also allowed to enter in Event Description.

  • Location: Enter the Location where the event takes place.

  • All Day Event: Select  the check box if the event is for full day.

If the check box is selected, then the Start/End Time will be disabled and not be able to edit until you clear the All Day event check box. 

  1. Details: Enter the details of the event if required.

Figure 2.2: Enter the Details

  1. Post filling the details, click the Apply button as shown in the Figure 2.2.

  2. The Calendar Time bar displays in the Crew (lower) section for the respective Crews.

Figure 2.3: Crew Calendar Time Bar displays

  1. Double click on the

Crew Calendar Time Bar to view the tool tip.

Figure 2.4: Crew Calendar Time Bar Tool tip

Sample Workflow#2: Tag Multiple Assignees

  1. Assign Multi-Resources as shown below and click

Apply button.

Figure 3.0: Assign Multiple Resources

  1. The Calendar Time Bar displays for the tagged resources.

Figure 3.1: Calendar Time Bar displays for Multiple Resources

Sample Workflow#3: Calendar Event Modification

  1. Right click the on the time bar and click the

Edit Calendar Event.

Figure 4.0: Click Edit Calendar Event

  1. The Calendar event pops up along with the details entered earlier. Edit the details as needed and click

Apply button.   

The modification gets updated.

When you are editing the calendar event that has been assigned to multiple resources, then the changes will be updated to all the assigned resources as well. 

Sample Workflow#4: Delete Calendar Event

  1.  Right click on the time bar and click the Edit Calendar Event as shown in Figure 4.0

  2. Click Delete.

Figure 5.0: Click Delete

 When you are deleting the Calendar Event that consists of multiple resources assigned, then the event will be deleted for all the tagged resources.

  • System allows to delete/modify the added Event until the respective event is added to Timesheet.

  • The Calendar Events that are created from Graphical Scheduling reflects in Crew Calendar as well and Vice Versa.

  • Similar to Calendar Events in Crew Calendar, the Icon and Color of the Calendar Event Time Bars in GS will follow what is set for respective Event in Calendar Event Configuration in Web Labor Settings. 


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