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Graphical Scheduler (GS)

Content was last updated in 06.22.09-00

Revision History

Version No.

Reference No.




Create Calendar events or block the Crew Calendar



Drag and drop positions from one crew to another crew



Introducing Stack and Pack Layout



Vertical zoom



Show Driver availability time bar



Order Description’ column added to Order section



Tool tip shows more information



Adding ‘Position Status’ filter



Filter options


R2- 9360

View the Booking details



Option to communicate with the crew



Drag and drop the labor positions to the crew



Introduction to Graphical Scheduler

Graphical Scheduler (GS) is exactly what the name suggest. It represents the same information that is displayed in Planning Order, but in graphical format. Functionally, it displays the allotment of tasks to each resource (Crew) added to the Order, displayed in a calendar format. You can open multiple orders at a time.

You can view the following in the time bar.


The GS window has two sections:

  1. Orders (upper section): Lists all the Orders and the labor positions added to the order.

  2. Crew (lower section): Lists the crews available in the system.

Order (upper) section

Figure 1.0: Graphical Scheduler


  1. Filter: To filter the position based on the specific criteria.  

  2. Positions list: Displays the labor positions added to the Order. Use  to collapse the Order.

  3. Order Description: Displays the order description of the respective Order ID. You can also 'Group by Description'. More...

  4. Labor positions: Displays the Labor positions added to the respective Order and the crew assigned to position.

  5. Actions: Actions are listed by right clicking on the time bar. Here, you can view booking details and communicate with the crew.

Crew (lower) section

Figure 2.0: Graphical Scheduler

  1. Filter: To filter the position based on the specific criteria.  

  2. Positions list: Displays the crew list available in the organization.

  3. Assignments: Displays the Order bookings, calendar events, and driver/transportation events created for the specific dates.

  4. Hide: Hides the filter bar and gives you more space to crew section.


Following are the features available in GS


Group by Order Description

The data can be grouped by order description either in ascending or descending manner.

  1. Right click on Order description column, Group ascending and Group descending option displays with other options.

Figure 2.0: Right click on order description

  1. Choose either Group ascending or Group descending option as required.

Figure 2.1: Order Description grouped in ascending order

Figure 2.3: Order Description grouped in descending order

  • By default, when the user opens the order, the Grouping is based on the Order ID. To change it to Order description, please contact Support.

  • The Expand/Collapse works of the order description if it is grouped.

  • When the grouping is made for any of the column (Order ID/Order Description/Positions), the count of the booking lines grouped displays in prefixed manner as per the new enhancement instead of suffixed which was the previous functionality. This is applicable for all the three columns i.e. Order ID/Order Description/Positions.



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