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Drag and drop Positions from one crew to the other crew in Crew section

Now, you have an option to drag the dropped positions in crew (upper) section and drop it on the other crew as required from the crew section itself.


  • An Order must be created in R2.

  • Add Labor positions to the order and assign the EWT.

  • In Graphical Scheduling (GS) window, a position must be dragged and dropped to Crew section.

For example: In below figure, Lighting Technician is assigned (dragged and dropped) to the Crew Anita Choudhary in the Crew (lower section of GS window). In the Order (Upper) section the Lighting Technician position shows as Crew Anita Choudhary for the order.

Figure 1.0: Drag and drop the position to crew section

Sample workflow

  1. In R2 Labor> Planning Order menu> Select Order> open in Graphical Scheduling (GS) window.

Figure 2.0: Select order and open in Graphical Scheduling (GS) window

  1. In GS window, drag the position from the crew.

Figure 2.1: Drag the position from crew

  1. Drop the dragged position on the other crew and the position will be assigned to the latest crew in the order (upper) section.

For Example: As shown in Figure 1.0, in the order section the Lighting Technician position is assigned to Anita Choudhary. Post dragging and dropping the position from one crew to another. Now the Lighting Technician is assigned to latest crew James in the Order (upper section). 

Figure 2.2: Drop the position on the another crew

  1. Save the order.


  • Upon drag and drop of position on the Crew section, the position will be booked for the respective crew and for the crew from where it was dragged will be unassigned ( See Figure 2.2).

  • System drags and drops the time bars from one crew to another crew irrespective of whether those time bars are filtered in the upper section of the Graphical Scheduling (GS) window.

  • The changes made persists only upon save.

  • On dropping the selected job to the right crew, the order section displays the latest crew name (See Figure 2.2)

  • Crew calendars updates accordingly.

  • In Planning Order> Search Resource > reflects the non-availability of the newly assigned resource.

  • System does not allow to drag and drop calendar events from one crew to other crew but allows only the bookings linked to the order allowed to move between crews.

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