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Filters in Graphical Scheduler

Content was last updated in 06.01.00-00

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  Enhanced Filter Options In Graphical Scheduling

The filters present in Planning Order > Assign Resource/Search Resource have been made available for selection in Graphical Scheduling > Resource section also.

For Example: Filters such as  'Primary Position' and 'Resource UDFs' are also available in Graphical Scheduling > Resource > Filter section. The same were earlier available only in the Planning Order > Assign Resource/Search Resource.

Any  filters, if and when applied in the Resource section, the Resource List and the corresponding time bars should refresh in Graphical Scheduling > Resource section.

Also, this functionality enables the user to filter crews based on primary positions and crew UDFs.

For Example: List of fields that are in Crew edit screen of all the grids columns (Position Grid, Certificate etc... Default columns, UDFs)



  1. An Order with at least one labor position added.

  2. The labor positions should have at least once resource available to be added.

  3. The labor should be available for a specified range of EWT dates.

  4. The resource should have its status as Active.

  5. The UDFs should be pre-configured in Planning Order > Assign Resource/Search Resource section.


Sample workflow

  1. Open an order in Planning Order.

  2. Select one of the labor positions, and click on 'Assign Resource' button from the top bar.

This position should have the EWT dates configured. If not, the use 'Assign Dates' to add EWT dates. 

  1. In the Assign Resource screen, click the filter icon to view the filter options.

Figure 1.0: Filter icon

  1. Then Click on 'Filter Settings', to see the 'Custom View' of the filter options.

Figure 1.1: Custom view

  1. Use the available options to select required filters.

  2. Click Apply, to return to Planning Order screen. Click Save and Exit.

The same filters can be applied through Graphical Scheduling.

  1. Open an order in Planning Order. Click on Graphical Scheduling.

  2. Click on Filter Icon in Resource Type.

Figure 1.2: Filter applied

  1. Then click on 'Filter Settings', to see the 'Custom View' of the filter options.

Figure 1.3: Custom view


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