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Group by Order Description

The data can be grouped by order description either in ascending or descending manner.

  1. Right click on Order description column, Group ascending and Group descending option displays with other options.

Figure 2.0: Right click on order description

  1. Choose either Group ascending or Group descending option as required.

Figure 2.1: Order Description grouped in ascending order

Figure 2.3: Order Description grouped in descending order

 By default, when the user opens the order, the Grouping is based on the Order ID. To change it to Order description, please contact Support.

  • The Expand/Collapse works of the order description if it is grouped.

  • When the grouping is made for any of the column (Order ID/Order Description/Positions), the count of the booking lines grouped displays in prefixed manner as per the new enhancement instead of suffixed which was the previous functionality. This is applicable for all the three columns i.e. Order ID/Order Description/Positions. 


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