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Now access R2 anywhere through a Web-browser. (R2-21690)
Your favorite R2 is now accessible directly through any HTML5.0 supported Web-browser. No access to any RDP is required anymore. All you need is the URL and a browser, and you are good-to-go. This new implementation…
Gives you an authentic and seamless feel of running a desktop application in a web-browser.
Keeps your application secured through HTTPS.
Provides native printing support in the application from within the browser itself.
R2 Web does not support Custom Reports and Transportation Logistics module.
Read more about R2 on Web here
Feature Changes:
R2 gets a face-lift with new 'Contemporary' theme. (R2-21605)
A new theme named Contemporary is added to the Configuration > Themes menu. It features a white background with a blue tint, complemented by a lite grey border.
Shown below is a short transitionary video of new theme. Starting from Login Screen to Order Window.

Short Animation: Contemporary Theme [Login Screen and Order Screen]
New Column (Owned Qty) added in REP_ProductDailyStockStatsView and REP_ItemDailyStockView. (R2-21717)
Through this enhancement we have added a new column (Owned Quantity) in the report. Statistically, this column displays the End of day Stock count for any searched Asset.
New Column (Owned Qty) added in Item > Stock Change History. (R2-21689)
Through this enhancement we have added a new column (Owned Quantity) in Item > Stock Change History screen. It will show owned quantity everytime after the particular stock change (increase or decrease) has happened.
Item > Stock Change History screen showing ‘Owned Quantity’.
Since it a computed value, this new column cannot be used as a search criteria.
Item > Stock Change History is an important aspect of Physical Inventory Management in R2.
Read here to know more about How Owned, Total, and Locked Qty of Items are affected?
Correcting column names in Order Line to appropriately represent the contained data. (R2-21672)
Based on “how these two values are calculated”, it was observed that the following two columns are currently named incorrectly , thereby creating confusion.
We have resolved this issue by renaming…
The column header in Order line to Profit Margin.
The column header in PO line to Profit %.
How Profit Margin and Profit % is Calculated…
Profit Margin = (100 x (Revenue – Cost)) / Revenue.
Profit Percentage = (100 x (Revenue – Cost)) / Cost.
Four new column added in REP_OrderProductUDFDetailView. (R2-21694)
Through this enhancement we have added the following four columns in the report.
Item Category ID.
Item Category Description.
Item Sub-Category ID.
Item Sub-Category Description
You can also use the Item Category and Sub-category fields as filters, go get the required information.

OrderProductUDFDetailView Report showing the four Columns.
Improved Performance while doing DB Upgrade. (R2-21669 & R2-21734)
System will automatically ‘Switch-off’ logging while performing a DB Upgrade and ‘Switch-on’ immediately after the upgrade completes successfully.
Performing an upgrade through this method saves on the consumed disk space.
System will overlook (ignore) any invalid materialized views found existing in the schema during the upgrade process.
Bug Fixes:
SR-17083 — Upon running upgrade scripts in eR2, Order Item Costs gets incorrectly modified to extremely higher values.
SR-17483 — Posting Register Report doesn't include the deposit amount in the total.
SR-18333 — Transfer Order Search is responding very slow.
SR-18475 — Order Type does not transition to Sign Off while 'updating Replacement Cost and marking an item as deleted.
SR-18542 — If multiple Sub-totals actions are used in an Event print, the values are not printed correctly.
SR-18579 — R2 does not allow to enter NULL values in Bin Column at Order Line Level.
SR-18645 — Modifying Transfer Order Quantity leads to inaccurate item details on the contract.
SR-18727 — Overlapping text displayed in the Site Edit > Sub Region setup screen.
Feature Changes:
Integration R2Labor with Employment Hero Application. (R2-21397)
A Batch Program has been given. It can be configured to run as per any schedule. The Batch program interacts with Employment Hero Application and extracts the Resource's Login/Logout Data.
Using the above data, the script will create required Time-sheets in R2Labor application.
The Batch Script is saved at
and the file name isEmployementHero.Bat.
Bug Fixes:
SR-17705 — Out-going E-mails from R2-Labor are not visible from within Outlook.
Feature Changes:
Adding Blank Lines and Section Headers through Order API. (R2-21587)
Until now, the Order API, through Order Items > Actions had supported only 3 values (Rent, Sell, Misc.) for PUT and POST verbs. And, even though any other value though it could be parsed; it would lead to an error thrown by the system.
With this Feature Improvement, 6 additional values are supported in Order Items > Actions.
The ‘Newly’ supported values are:
“Sub Total”, “Section Head”, “Section Total”, “Page Break”, and “Disclaimer”, “ “.
This way, through this Feature Improvement you can now Add, Remove or Update following types through PUT and POST Order APIs.
Blank lines
Section Head
Section Total
Page Break
These lines will be added to the end of Item list when added through PUT API.
If the Action is (Rent, Sell, Misc.) and Quantity is ‘NULL’ or 'Blank', system automatically assumes it to be 1.
If Section Headers with ‘Add Section Total' property = “TRUE” is added, the feature adds only ‘Section Headers’ and not the ‘Section Total’.
The ‘Section Total’ must be added separately.
If any property on the Item grid (amongst the above listed line type) can be updated, you can update it through the PUT verb.
New ‘Sites’ API Introduced. (R2-21696)
you can retrieve the list of all sites available in your R2.
Feature Changes:
Upload and Manage supporting documents for Opportunities. (R2-21677)
While creating or editing an Opportunity in CRM, you might want to upload some additional documents that might be needed to work upon the Opportunity. This feature provides a full ‘Document Management’ [Add, Modify, Delete, and View] function.
Renaming "Stage" to "Phase" in Opportunity. (R2-21681)
The Stage field in CRM is different than the one in R2. They have entirely different workflows.
The similarity in their names often leads to ambiguity and a lot of confusion.
Since the reference of the 'Stage' field in CRM is more about 'Workflow-level Status-quo' of an Opportunity being pursued; it was decided that it would be apt to rename it to 'Phase' which means - a point or situation in a lifecycle.Thus, from this release forward, the following two screens will show the Stage field as “Phase”.
Opportunity edit & search screen.
Company edit > Add Opportunity popup.
New fields [Opportunity’s Start and End Dates] introduced. (R2-21695)
In a usual Business Case Scenario: Once an Opportunity is confirmed the client (business owner) will push the it into R2. Subsequently, the Operation team would use Opportunity’s Start and End Dates to start creating orders from the Project. Also, the business uses the same Start and End dates for the prep and return dates for their orders.
Opportunity’s Start and End Date (upon pushing to R2) become Project Start and End date in R2.
Refer the screenshots below. First is from R2CRM > Opportunities and next from R2 > Projects.

Opportunity Screen in R2CRM. Opportunity is Pushed to R2.

Opportunity from R2CRM opened as a Project within R2.
New Columns [Start Date & Opportunity Owner] in Opportunity Search Window. (R2-21705)
Opportunity Owner & Start Date column have been added to the Opportunity search screen.
This has been done by replacing the fairly less used Probability and Margin columns, as while searching for list of Opportunities, they are unlikely to be searched using these two fields.