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Feature Changes:

  1. Expiry Date for Customer Resale Certificates. (R2-22696)

    The enhancement of tracking Resale certificate expiration dates would be beneficial for accurately collecting regional sales and use taxes.

For all the existing Certificates in the system, Expiry Date will be blank upon upgrade to this version (06.24.10-00).

  1. Extending Predictive search for more fields.

    1. Company and Contact fields on Order information screen. (R2-22804)

    2. Project selection in Accounts screen. (R2-22767)

    3. Event selection in Accounts screen. (R2-22765)

Only “Job Name” Field is enabled for predictive search in Event tab, which gives result having both Event description and Event ID.

  1. Marking IN Asset as Damaged from Warehouse > Mark Asset as Repair will prompt for Mandatory Remarks (R2-22855)

Bug Fixes
  1. SR-20688 — R2: Application performs slow while doing the actions like 'Change the Return date of a line', 'Merge some identical lines' and 'Save', on orders of few years long and having grid pricing applied at header level.

  2. SR-20172/ SR-21748 — R2: System doesn't show the Overdue quantity in availability drill down of the planned Returning Site, when the Shipping Site and Returning Site are not same on Order line.
    Note: The Overdue Quantity will also show in Availability drill down of the Shipping Site.

  3. SR-22044 — R2: Event Order Print fails when Order is having Non-printable lines.

  4. SR-22644 — R2: 'Copy From Order' action is not showing correct child quantities of a Child Package.

  5. SR-22402 — CRM: Duplicate file alert is displayed when tagging multiple documents to an opportunity.

  6. SR-22409 — R2: Availability Calendar does not show the availability details in the time range having Daylight Saving Time (DST).

  7. SR-21590 — R2: With 'Allow to Edit Kit Weight' feature enabled in configuration, the modified Non-serial Kit Weight is not appearing on the order or the delivery receipt print.
    Fix: When you have enabled 'Allow to Edit Kit Weight' feature in configuration, it will allow to edit Weight on Serial Kits only. It won't allow for Non-serial Kits, since it is not designed for the same.

  8. SR-22017 — R2: The revenue stats report (Rep_ProductMonthlyUtilisationView) does not show the revenue for the lines directly added to Billing Orders.

  9. SR-21198 — Unable to reassign license usage "Employee License" in Configuration module.
    Fix: Users cannot be assigned a license more than three times.

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