Business Rules Engine (BRE)
Bug Fixes
SR-20688 — R2: Application performs slow while doing the actions like 'Change the Return date of a line', 'Merge some identical lines' and 'Save', on orders of few years long and having grid pricing applied at header level.
SR-20172/ SR-21748 — R2: System doesn't show the Overdue quantity in availability drill down of the planned Returning Site, when the Shipping Site and Returning Site are not same on Order line.
Note: The Overdue Quantity will also show in Availability drill down of the Shipping Site.
SR-22044 — R2: Event Order Print fails when Order is having Non-printable lines.
SR-22644 — R2: 'Copy From Order' action is not showing correct child quantities of a Child Package.
SR-22402 — CRM: Duplicate file alert is displayed when tagging multiple documents to an opportunity.
SR-22409 — R2: Availability Calendar does not show the availability details in the time range having Daylight Saving Time (DST).
SR-21590 — R2: With 'Allow to Edit Kit Weight' feature enabled in configuration, the modified Non-serial Kit Weight is not appearing on the order or the delivery receipt print.
Fix: When you have enabled 'Allow to Edit Kit Weight' feature in configuration, it will allow to edit Weight on Serial Kits only. It won't allow for Non-serial Kits, since it is not designed for the same.
SR-22017 — R2: The revenue stats report (Rep_ProductMonthlyUtilisationView) does not show the revenue for the lines directly added to Billing Orders.
SR-21198 — Unable to reassign license usage "Employee License" in Configuration module.
Fix: Users cannot be assigned a license more than three times.