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Feature Changes:

  1. Compulsorily capturing comments from the main SWO. (R2-22639)

  2. The Remarks that is asked you to enter while marking Item/Asset as Damaged is now made mandatory. (R2-22639)

  1. Event Financial Summary now has consistency in Font Size etc. (R2-22330)

    1. The Font used to display the data in Commission, Profit Margin and Total Discount fields in Event Financial Summary tab has been matched with all the other fields on the tab.

    2. This way, the appearance of data has been unified to give it a consistent look and feel. This step also enhances the readability when I rearrange them using screen design for my use case purpose.

Bug Fixes:

  • SR-20939 — Fill Order screen in E-Pool, shows the status of deleted item as ‘Reserved’.

  • SR-20797 — Sub-hire Non Serial package Kit' header is displayed in ‘Black’ instead of ‘Green’.

  • SR-21016 — Force Fill adds Item with wrong shipping Site if Asset is in QC and in another Site.

  • SR-21037 — The report Rep_productview does not show correct value for Maintenance group column.

  • SR-21101 — The UI file/s information was missing from a recent version of CID Master Document.

  • SR-21199 — SubOrder considers default Tax Applicable setting irrespective setting for Main Order.

  • SR-21245 — The report ‘Invoiceview’ displays incorrect amount if the sequence on item lines are modified.

  • SR-21252 — While printing an Order, there is a mismatch between the totals for Grid Pricing and the Order Total.

  • SR-21255 — System fails to successfully execute and generate the ProductDailyTransferStatsData report.

  • SR-21471 — R2 does not allows to ship a child item of a non serial kit, when ‘Stock’=0 with ‘Force Order Fill’=TRUE.

  • SR-21479 — Availability window displays a ‘No Contract Found’ message, when the product is added in a billing order.

  • SR-21606 — R2 does not show any error message when a missing/lost/retired asset is scanned to be marked as repair, from within the Warehouse module.


Feature Changes:

  1. New Verbs: Get by ID, PUT, POST for Item Sub Category API. (R2-22253)

    Use the following endpoints GET:/subcategories/{ID}, POST:/subcategories, and PUT:/subcategories/{ID} to perform fetch, create, and update operations for Subcategories.

  2. New Verb: Get By ID for Location APIs. (R2-22255)

    Now you can fetch Location details by their ID using the endpoint GET:/location/{ID}.

  3. Managing results from GET List for Items API. (R2-22604)

    Now while fetching the list using the GET List operation, you need not worry about how many records will be pulled out. Since, now you can manage the pagination in the Request Payload’s header itself.
    Why we are doing this?
    This has been done to optimize the system performance and do-away with latency.

    Rules pertaining to pagesize and page-count:

    1. A new parameter named ‘pagesize’ added to the API request.

      • This indicates ‘count’ of records requested page.

      • Minimum Count = 25.

      • Maximum Count = 100.

    2. A new parameter named ‘page-count added in the response header.

      • The indicates ‘number’ of pages being returned.

      • page-count = Total number of records/pagesize being used.

  4. Manage UDFs for Items using GET and PUT By ID APIs. (R2-22603 and R2-22605)

    Now you can manage the User Defined Fields (UDFs) for Fetching (Read) and Update (Write) operations.
    Why we are doing this?
    Several R2 Customers are working with a 3rd party Data Analytics tool to integrate the Items info of R2 and the 3rd party tool. Such that the updating this data becomes an automated task. Thereby removing any manual intervention and errors due to it. Lastly, this automation ensures that the Item information is 'always' up-to-date as per the manufacturers standards.

    This data is stored in the UDF of the Items. The field names and their values are updated directly within the UDF segment of the Item Information.

    1. Use GET By ID to Fetch User Defined Field fields (along with their respective values) of Items from Items using the Item’s ID. (R2-22603)

    2. Use PUT By ID to Update User Defined Field values of Items from Items using the Item’s ID. (R2-22605)

  5. Exchange Items on a Order Prep Schedule through APIs. (R2-22177)

    Until now, while performing a Warehouse Fill operation, R2 GUI supported exchanging an Item on the Order Line. We understood your predicament and brought the same feature to R2 API as well.
    In a nutshell, this API will mimic the steps how the Exchange Feature works within R2 GUI (Accounts > Order > Exchange). The API is designed to allow exchanging an Item with any Item type like Serial Item with Serial Kit, non-serial Item or Non-serial Kit.

    Let’s understand the following:

Mobile Apps

Feature Changes:

  1. PackNShip App: Now supports generating Transfer Order prints. (R2-22421)

    This functionality is crucial for providing users with printed documentation of their transfer orders directly from the application.

    With this feature you would be able to Generate/Print any reports necessary for your operations.

    1. During Ship operation, you would be able to generate and print a transfer print with a list of items that are being shipped.

    2. You would be able to view the Transfer Print report in the app

    3. You would be able to print a hard copy of the transfer print report from the app.


Bug Fixes:

  • R2-22133 — The ‘Upcoming' tab was not displaying records in ascending order (as 'upcoming’ refers to chronologically future events).

  • R2-22407 — R2CRM was allowing to create Tasks, Company & opportunities even when blank values are entered in the mandatory fields.

BRE (Business Rules Engine)

Feature Changes:

  1. Improving the overall UI/UX. (R2-22553, R2-22554, and R2-22587)

    We have implemented the following improvements to the following changes to enhance usability and bring consistency across the application.

    1. Captions and Tooltips in simplified English.

    2. Making the Field and Grid title as self-explanatory.

    3. Grouping the relevant fields together.

    4. Removed irrelevant fields and simplified definition to ease the user experience.

    The design and UI changes have impacted the following screens.

    1. Rules.

    2. Conditions.

    3. Message Template.

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