Rule Entities
This table lists the rule-level and condition-level entities available for each individual rule entity.
You can set the rule level entity in Rules > ‘Defined for Entity’ field.
Each condition level entity has a set of fields provided for you to create the Condition and Message templates. Click the condition level entity link to see the list of fields supported.
Entity | Applicable condition level entities |
Crew Login- Success | Crew Login-Success |
Delegations | Delegations Purchase Order Purchase Order Approval Level |
Forgot Password | Forgot Password |
Inventory Master | Inventory Master Inventory Non-Serial |
Login Invitation | Login Invitation |
My Tasks | |
Opportunity | |
Order | Opportunity |
Planning | Booking Lines Planning Site |
Purchase Order | Purchase Order Purchase Order Approval Level |
Warehouse Schedule | Order - Order entity’s are supported to create conditions for warehouse tasks
Purchase Order - Purchase Order Order entity’s are supported to create conditions for warehouse tasks. |