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  1. Smart Date Selector enhanced to have user defined keywords. (R2-23026)

On upgrading, any Keywords previously saved in User Views will be cleared. To restore, simply edit the User View and save it with desired keywords.

  1. Subtotal and Section Summary in Main Order-Sub Order Print. (R2-23029)

  2. Predictive search for more fields in Order screens.

    • Event field (R2-22835)

    • Project field (R2-22836)

    • Company and Contact fields in Quote, Reservation, and Sale screens. (R2-22818)

  3. Additional columns added to Rep_AssetView. (R2-23030)

    • New columns: LongDescription, ProductComments, IsContainer

  4. Operational status column added to rep_Orderheaderview. (R2-23040)

Business Rule Engine (BRE)
  1. BRE has been made more predictable and simplified (R2-23037/ R2-22966)

    • Non-functional entities and fields removed for streamlined experience.

    • The cleaner user interface to enhance usability.

Consequently, users can now create rules independently, without requiring extensive support.

  1. Edit icon in message template grid for quicker access to template editing. (R2-22876)

Mobile Apps

PackNShip App

  1. More details displayed in Item Lookup screen. (R2-22893)

    • Added fields such as Description, Date Procured, Status Date, Weight, Asset Comments, and more.

  2. Added Return by Task with Fill to order option. (R2-22961)

    • This allows you to return items on a 'Return' schedule and fill them on another order with a single scan.

  1. Batch Return API to support Restricted return within an Order. (R2-23027)

  2. Additional fields added in Items Get By ID and Assets Get By ID. (R2-23046)

  3. Introduced ‘packageavailability’ parameter Get Item List.
    You can send this flag as True to get non-serial kit header availability, instead of client computing the same based on child item availability.

Bug Fixes
  1. R2-22969 — R2: The Warehouse Fill API incorrectly fills the quantity of Non-Serial Item when the 'To fill Not Available Non-Serial Reserved item' setting in Employee defaults is set to 'Don't Prompt-fill'.

    Fix: In the Request payload,

    • If quantity is specified, it will default to filling 1 qty.

    • If quantity is not specified, it will fill the specified qty.

    • If quantity is 0 or negative, it will result in an error.

  2. R2-22982 — R2:  Assets in ‘QC’ status marked as ‘Not Available’ are not reducing availability in the EUV/AUV screen.

    Fix: Assets in ‘QC’ status will reduce availability in the EUV/AUV screens and their status will be displayed as QC (NA).

  3. SR-23423 — R2: EUV is not showing the non-serial items as ‘Missing’ when marked as missing via physical inventory.

  4. SR-11277 — R2: Non-serial Kit child Items gets misaligned during the quote conversion.

  5. SR-23616 — R2: Quick view of Order is not working.

  6. SR-23693 — R2: Slowness observed while searching Events in Account > Event tab > Job Name Field.
    Fix: Re-enabled the Account > Event tab > ID field. Alternatively, you may use this ID field to avoid the lag when searching by Event ID. However, you can still search by ID in the Job Name field also. 

    Additionally, enabled Account > Customer tab > ID and Account > Project tab > ID fields, so that you can search Customer and Projects also by these ID fields.

  7. SR-22992 — R2: While receiving items on E-Pool Ops Order through 'Receive and Fill on Main Order' function, no error message displayed even though received items are not filled on the Main Order.


    • When received Ops order line is not linked to any line on the main order.
      Error details: [SKU_OR_ASSET_ID]: Received Item line is added directly to the E-Pool Ops order. Hence it is not filled on the main order.

    • When the line linked to the received Ops Order line is deleted from the main order.
      Error details: [SKU_OR_ASSET_ID]: The Item line has been deleted on the main order.

    • When the linked main order line is not in valid status to fill.
      Error details: [SKU_OR_ASSET_ID]: Item status on main order is invalid for filling.

    • In case of a non serial item, the main order line might be partially filled.
      Error Details:  [SKU]: Out of [RECEIVED_QTY] quantity, [FILLED_QTY] quantity is filled on the main order. Remaining [REMANINING_QTY] quantity could not be filled as no eligible line found.

  8. SR-22347 — R2/API: Slowness in Get Item List API and Search Inventory when searched with Show Availability.
    Fix: Introduced 'packageavailability' attribute in GET Item List API to have a better performance. Sending this flag as True will the fetch you the package (non-serial kit) availability directly on the header, instead of computing it for every child item.

  9. SR-23354 — ER2: Supplier Setup not saving changes to Department/Supplier.

  10. SR-19746 — R2: Font set on a order line is not carried while copy-pasting.
    Fix: Font set on a line can now be optionally copied by using the 'Font' option in copy dialog. If copied, font will also be carried to the pasted line.
    Note: The font set for a child of a Serial kit will not be copied. Since the child records of Serial kit is always populated from the original kit definition at the time of pasting.

  11. SR-23992 — API: Order dates are cleared when the return date is updated via the order update API call.
    Fix: R2 should updates Order date (return date) to new date

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